From now on, I'll adhere to the "Calvin: Change my mind" meme format. Thank you for your input. ๐ซก
Now they can join the select club of people who are suing NFT makers after being conned into buying them.
Jumping around obstacles and running away from gunshots, but you'll spend most of the time falling to your death.
You have to water niche communities with exposure and feed them with content for them to grow.
I occasionally update the POIs in my city and update some paths that occasionally change.
Real men drink meat-based beer ๐บ /s
Sometimes I think about things like this when it comes to cheese and fermented stuff. Like, who was the first guy to work out that you can get rotten food and either get high off it or get tasty stuff out of them?
I've already managed to replace Reddit on mobile. On the desktop, however, I'm partially there. There are still a couple of communities I follow that only exist on reddit.