
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

libraries sometimes too. basically an overnight in a non-residential space?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 hours ago

Superman Smashes the Klan is loosely based on a 16-part episode story-arc, "Clan of the Fiery Cross", from the radio serial Adventures of Superman which ran from June to July 1946.[3][6][8] In the radio serial, "Superman exposed Ku Klux Klan codewords, rituals, and its bigotry—all based on intel collected by activist Stetson Kennedy—before a national audience. The show damaged the group's reputation and led to a steep decline in membership from which the KKK never recovered".[6]

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

thanks for your efforts!

more of us than one might think. and we don't always need all diehard lefties to fight for Wages Hours and Conditions.

It's good to turn up the signal as more people of all stripes become Unsure as instability and chaos build in our systems.

Anyway -- something important to keep in mind is that a hard left turns are fought with gardens and tools and 'barn'(etc) raisings even more than demonstrations or violence.

Labor movement, black panthers, and zapatistas are worth a quick study for grassroots practices.

admittedly, what the oligarchy and police state don't want folks to learn about is Direct Action.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 23 hours ago (2 children)


u.s. is in near-freefall.

Every day we are settung precident for what we will and will not tolerate. Not pulling the lever on socialist revolution keeps us on track for tyranical feudalism.

We can make it plausible or sleep in the graves corprate is ordering us to dig for ourselves.

Pardon the passions, folks who have already worked out their character sheet and place in the effort.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

The monstertruck comercial is for people in my life that I love. Also my own enjoyment.

I don't think people who crave high stimulation messaging, or enjoy pantomime or slapstick should be left to the mercy of profiteer programming. Just because I enjoy technical reading and essay style lectures doesn't mean that works for everyone. I wouldn't like to leave any neighbors behind.

Not sure what works for you, internet stranger, but maybe it isn't socratic dialogue.

So. Yah, everything from my prior post is earnest and inclusive. Folx can fimd a better place any projected sarcasm or derision.

on tumblr they say some of the reading comprehension is piss poor. (#iheardupissonthepoor)

No one needs to thank me or like me, as long as I can have my equitable living rights, yah? so no sweat: keep the emotional labour.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

(◕‿◕) ! how fun thank you

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

people who have access to equitable righta and education (ie girls go to school, everyone has access to the economy and healthcare including sexual health) tend to self-regulate the population towards sustainable levels.

Stupidity is created through systemic sexism, dumbification, and reinforcement of poverty.

Baby booms happen when people don't know how the world, including their bodies, work, and when uterus-havers are isolated and have control over their own life paths and bodies removed.

the usa before women had equitable banking, voting, education, healthcare, and employment access is a fine example -- there are plenty around the world.

tl;dr overpopulation is an effect of discriminatory and oppressive environments and not a herreditary issue.

we are born to a bellcurve of smartness; just a lot of people get it starved and beaten out of them and are put on the prison pipeline before they can figure out what's going on.

we've known this a long time but it's hard to 'sell' to privledged people who didn't have to think about it and don't want to talk about reperations for redlining, boarding schools, etc... (good morning and welcome to the Blood Machine)

can anyone write a monster truck ad version of my comment that is readable at a 3rd grade level, pls?

also, it's the power grip and reciprocity. that's what makes us human.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

(... ya'll, should we get a community? is there one already?)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

if puppy is too dev'y, or multiple user accounts are needed, MX linux does great on old hardware. (with xfce -- kde and fluxbox are also options) [faster than lubuntu, xubuntu, zorin, in my experience]

both are wonderful.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

game theory/economic zero sum gaming was the result of a paranoid breakdown.

iow, each for themselves economic policy is not based. these works are still cited in arguments against altruism though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

i have an info sharing compulsion that makes me obnoxious to people who didn't really want a helpful reply at the moment. found my niche in DnD and study groups, but i still piss off people irl when they want to complain without being offered solutions or encouragement.

i might not have jerk intentions, but it can be jerk behavior if i misread the room hard enough.

thanks for engaging in earnest.

people are definitely people. Do you like bellcurves?

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