Oooops, habe die Vorgeschichte nicht komplett gelesen. War nur auf den Kommentar über mir bezogen. Danke für den Hinweis.
Passt aber trotzdem zum allgemeinen Vorgehen, dass Abschiebungen grundsätzlich ziemlich spontan durchgeführt werden.
Oooops, habe die Vorgeschichte nicht komplett gelesen. War nur auf den Kommentar über mir bezogen. Danke für den Hinweis.
Passt aber trotzdem zum allgemeinen Vorgehen, dass Abschiebungen grundsätzlich ziemlich spontan durchgeführt werden.
Das ist tatsächlich ziemlich normal, dass so etwas schnell schnell und über Nacht gemacht wird.
Eben damit man genau sowas verhindert. Oder damit die abzuschiebenden nicht plötzlich untertauchen.
I'm just assuming the OP is looking for a general advise on a new TV. If he's actually looking for a 20 inch TV he is looking for such a niche device that he should probably have stated that.
But OP stated no real requirements at all which makes it nearly impossible to actually recommend something. What even is the TV used for? He wants a non-smart TV but but seems to be streaming? What about size? How is the room lit?
A non-4K TV in 2024? Good luck with that. Just take one, it doesn't hurt when your content is lower res, but you can still benefit from it when you play videogames or watch 4K Blu-Rays. I would definitely take an OLED display. Check out
But testing... Is that really necessary?
I kinda get Jason X vibes from this
Flanagan made Hill House and Midnight Mass for Netflix. So it's not like there aren't at least some good shows.
I wouldn't worry too much about pausing the game. If the hardware is not made for such high forces, than it would not output those. And even Fanatec should not be that dumb.
It's more likely that strong FFB effects will harm you than the wheel itself. Just let go when you crash and don't worry about the hardware too much.
But is this comment really an answer to this question or just a rant about Canonical?
Yeah, last hour...
You're talking about Clone Wars, right?