
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Oh, my bad, I was trying to make the point that vanilla Skyrim has been regarded as less of a good game in retrospect rather than trying to say it fits what OP was asking for.

And yeah tons of people are still playing Skyrim. Vanilla Skyrim might not be a great game, but it's a fantastic platform for installing mods. I'm literally in the process of setting up a modpack for it right now.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago

I guess I mean more in the critical view of the vanilla game (main story quest is insipid and nonsensical, mage progression is very badly balanced and unfun, leveling as a whole is a crapshoot, draugr deathlords and other boss enemies are unfun damage sponges, dragons are easily distracted idiots, world is comprised of 80% bandit population, etc).

Honestly if Skyrim modding wasn't so mature and (relatively) approachable, the criticisms would be harsher, but considering that these days you can download preassembled modpacks that turn the game into 4KHD SEKIRO COMBAT ENB GLOBAL ILLUMINATION PARALLAX NEXT GEN REALISM HDT JIGGLE PHYSICS AND HARDCORE SURVIVAL that probably makes the average player pretty unconcerned with what the vanilla game is like.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago (9 children)

Time wasn't kind to the perception of Skyrim or Fallout 4, it's going to be brutal for Starfield

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

I personally see this opinion pop up just about every time meat substitutes come up in conversation, including on hexbear.

And re: meat substitutes being 'full of weird shit' just comes off as silly when the majority of them are basically just fancy bread. Soy protein, wheat gluten and seasoning oooh so scary.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Okay but seriously though, there are a lot of things that are 'imitations' of things that are morally repugnant that are not only harmless but enjoyable due to the fact that no one is getting hurt from it. Like violent video games, some sexual roleplay and so on.

It's less 'we are imitating the animal harm hooray' and more 'we took the animal harm out of this thousand+ year old human food tradition, hooray!' (or twenty+ year old if it's the fast food stuff lol)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

For real, and if the only thing standing between me and some godly grilled cheeze sandwich and tomato soup is "suffering" through a slice of coconut fat, salt and emulsifiers, I'm going to be enjoying a delicious grilled sandwich and dunking it in the soup.


What the fuck is the 'authentic experience' of a chicken nugget that seitan is incapable of replicating, anyways? Also the burger patties I ate in school as a cringe baby carnist were 60% TVP soy to begin with, so if anything I'm being even more honest with my frozen slabs now

[–] [email protected] 28 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I feel like a hbomberguy video would be kind of redundant when the Palworld developers are pointing directly at the media conglomerate across the room and announcing at the top of their lungs "WE'RE COPYING THIS. WE ARE DIRECTLY RIPPING OFF POKEMON BUT EDGY. WE ARE MAKING POKEMON WITH GUNS. WISHLIST ON STEAM TODAY".

Edit: That being said, if Palworld really did rip geometry from pokemon 3D models (and things are looking pretty bad on that front), they have a lot more to worry about than hbomberguy.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago

Supposedly the modern pokemon minecraft mod is both really charming looking and pretty fun. Plus it comes with a copy of Minecraft

[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 months ago

Hey there was a similar arc to this in Oglaf and things turned out pretty good for the blowjob guy

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I have fond memories of playing the game on this likely long dead private server and I barely had any awareness of the game mechanics. All I knew was that I could farm monsters to get cute pets to drop, and that's what I did, going zone to zone collecting all the tameable monsters.

tbh that's really all I need in an MMO I think

[–] [email protected] 15 points 8 months ago

Do you think that all the animal feed needed to keep your meat and dairy prices affordable is somehow harvested and processed with only the most ethical paid labor or do you only care about that when it's a gotcha to vegans

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

If it has a good flavor and helps me shit better I'll give it a try


Like me sadness

Please I just want to jam out a little to Undertale tracks what the hell is this


My license expired five months ago and I KNOW that I've been using it as an ID since then for various appointments but it was only today when I went to Costco that someone finally said to me 'hey your ID is expired' since they couldn't give me my prescription without a valid one.

what the hell man

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

You get a choice of like 18 different playable trainer skins and 80+ different starters

Then you learn that you can have all 6 of your party pokemon following you around on the overworld

Then you got the fact that you encounter pokemon via pokemon walking around in the grass, including visibly distinct shinies.

Oh and it has the full 1000+whatever pokedex so every different route has 20 pokemon walking around so as someone trying a Nuzlocke I'm just standing there struggling to decide which one to take

Oh and also since it's a romhack so I'm playing it on my 3DS

GBA era romhackers are something else


For fucking years both the Repubs and Democrats have been aware of the science behind Climate Change. They know, their donors know, the military industrial complex knows, the information has been out there.

And both parties have had the opportunity to just blast the airwaves with constant propaganda for years priming people to be shitting their pants in fear over the climate, and they haven't.

They could have been dragging the most dewy eyed, trembling elderly farmers in front of cameras every week and have these sad old Classic Americana™ white men sobbing as they talk about how scared they are of crop failures and famines. They could have been showing piles of dead fish and animals against the backdrop of classic American landmarks. They could have done medical featurettes about how wet bulb temperatures would easily kill people (especially cute old grannies and children!) in the south eastern US.

And they could have kept doing this, all the time, week after week, the most dire doom and gloom predictions and warnings, whatever it would possibly take to start warming the chuds up to the need to make infrastructure changes in the US. Until people come to them demanding big structural changes.

And they haven't. They haven't done it. They still aren't doing it.

They're really going to run the clock out on this until they die of old age or they can all go to their defensive bunkers while everyone else dies of famine and war.

They're not even going to try stopping it. They're not even going to try proposing any Big Changes that could make a difference, because they know the majority US population would never agree to it. They're just going to keep promising miracle tech and gun down refugees at the border until they can sneak off stage while no one is looking.

They won't even paint the fucking roofs white, man.

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