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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Here is a short introduction to the core argument against capitalism based on liberal principles: https://www.ellerman.org/inalienable-rights-part-i-the-basic-argument/


[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The root of the loss of community that everyone feels is capitalism's total emphasis on institutional logics of exit that make everything extremely transactional while completely ignoring the dual institutional logic of commitment, cooperation and voice. Community emphasizes the latter. We need communities based around shared property, mutual aid and collective action. Incidentally, having such communities could help solve some public goods problems in a non-state manner and be more egalitarian


What are your thoughts on liberal anti-capitalism and reclaiming liberalism for the radical left?

Liberal anti-capitalists typically show that capitalism is illiberal through demonstrating how it violates liberal principles. An example would be David Ellerman in:


He argues that capitalist employment violates liberal principles of justice such as the norm that legal and de facto responsibility should match implying a theory of inalienable rights


[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'll write one. The talk argues that employment contract is invalid due to inalienable rights. Inalienable means can't be given up even with consent. Workers' inalienable rights are rooted in their joint de facto responsibility in the firm for using up inputs to produce outputs. By the norm that legal and de facto responsibility should match, workers should get the corresponding legal responsibility, but in employment, workers as employees get 0% while employer gets 100% of results of production


Why the employer-employee relationship is based on theft and all companies should be worker-controlled - “Neo-Abolitionism: Towards Abolishing the Institution of Renting Persons”



[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

David Ellerman's modernization of the classical laborists' argument against capitalism is significantly more powerful than modern Marxism.

Marx's claim that private property is the root of capitalist appropriation has been disproven in modern theories of capitalism's property rights structure. Private property plays a role in giving bargain power to get favorable terms, but the ultimate legal basis of capitalist appropriation is the employer-employee contract


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Postcapitalist systems can use market prices and, in principle, be Pareto optimal on non-institutionally described states of affair



"Governing the Commons" - Economist Elinor Ostrom's approach to collective action problems




A case for universal worker democracy and why capitalism is theft - "Neo-Abolitionism: Towards Abolishing the Institution of Renting Persons"


David Ellerman makes a unique argument for workers' control that is significantly stronger than the usual arguments the left makes as it implies that capitalism is invalid even when it is fully voluntary


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

You just mention the community in the post


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

What would be a more appropriate community?


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Private property rests on the principle of people getting the fruits of their labor. In other words, private property appropriation has a labor-basis that capitalism denies. Capitalism violates the very principle behind private property by giving workers 0% joint claim on the positive and negative fruits of their labor

"Property is theft!" -- Proudhon

The employment contract is what really enables capitalist appropriation.

I agree with your critique of capitalist liberal democracy


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Because most liberals don't consistently apply their own principles. A principle that liberals are inconsistent with is the juridical principle of imputation, the norm of legal and de facto responsibility matching. They ignore this norm's routine violation in the capitalist firm. Here, despite the workers joint de facto responsibility for production, the employer is solely legally responsible for 100% of the positive and negative results of production while workers as employees get 0%


[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Private property isn't as supportive of capitalism as it initially seems. Classical laborists (e.g. Proudhon) and their modern intellectual descendants (e.g. David Ellerman) argue that the positive and negative results of production are the private property of the workers in the firm. This argument immediately implies a worker coop structure mandate on all firms and rules out capitalism. Capitalism is so indefensible that even private property requires the abolition of capitalism


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

The academic definition would be the systems of the historical Eastern Bloc countries or a hypothetical society that has somehow completely abolished commodity production


[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Rhetorically, it doesn't matter how I define the term. It matters how people use it.

The way I would define it is either the systems of historical Eastern Bloc countries or a hypothetical society that has somehow completely abolished commodity production



What is your view on liberal anti-capitalism?

This perspective's representatives are David Ellerman, and E. Glen Weyl. They that capitalism is incompatible with liberalism for various reasons such as violating liberal principles of justice, being inefficient or over-emphasizing diversification/exit-oriented risk reduction strategies to the detriment of commitment-based ones.

David Ellerman's case for capitalism being illiberal is discussed in:




The Problem of Collective Harm: A Threshold Solution


"Many harms are collective: they are due to several individual actions that are as such harmless. At least in some cases, it seems impermissible to contribute to such harms, even if individual agents do not make a difference. The Problem of Collective Harm is the challenge of explaining why. I argue that, if the action is to be [moral], the probability of making a difference to harm must be small enough."



Why capitalists are coming out against democracy - "Does classical liberalism imply democracy?"


"There is a fault line running through ... liberalism as to whether or not democratic self- governance is a necessary part of a liberal social order. The democratic and non-democratic strains of classical liberalism are both present today. Many ... libertarians ... represent the non-democratic strain in their promotion of non-democratic sovereign city-states."



A profoundly stupid case about video game cheating could transform adblocking into a copyright infringement




Utility, social utility, democracy, and altruistic and moral behavior from unexploitability, Darwinian evolution, and tribes


"S.M.Omohundro in 2007, by building on and/or simplifying ideas by a large number of economists, demonstrated that the philosophy of utilitarianism is forced upon an organism if that organism wishes to be "unexploitable." Exploitable organisms presumably tend to get exploited, suffer a competitive disadvantage."



"Zoë Hitzig | What is quadratic funding?" - A general mechanism for funding a decentralized self-organizing ecosystem of public goods


The mechanism described in this video can be used to solve many modern problems such as news media finance, FOSS software development funding, scientific research and egalitarian campaign finance. News media is severely underfunded and is critical for effective democracy. Campaign finance tends to be plutocratic.


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