There are several different arctic programs.. take a look at the different programs, maybe you’ll find something
Half of the voters indeed, probably more than half the country
Sure it is autonomous, but most things are still taken care of by Denmark, such as police, medical needs etc. even immigration to Greenland is applied through Danish authorities.
I think they mostly follow Danish laws, with some exceptions, (Greenland does not accept refugees as an example).
AFAIK Greenland immigration laws are the danish immigration laws, as Greenland is part of Denmark. And yes, we do have very strict immigration policy here
Whatever graphic card you have in your system is probably not required for programming
Af hvad jeg kan se, så rammer det skævt og tilgodeser dem fra øvre middelklasse og opad. Typisk de familier, hvor én kan arbejde hjemmefra (og de har to biler, hjemmearbejde = sandsynligvis et godt betalt job), eller dem der har tre biler, hvor det faktisk gør en forskel. En tredje bil er normalt dyrere at forsikre, så det kræver også en ressourcestærk familie.
Jeg kan faktisk slet ikke se hvilket problem dette løser..
I’d also bet that it’s more than 30% in the US
Don’t mind him, incels gonna incel
I don’t think the entire world is required to know about American politics.. only the western counties suffers from American influence