We'll have a ton of high quality options soon. Lots of the Reddit app devs are working on Lemmy apps. I wouldn't be surprised if almost all the ui code can be reused
If they inject it into the main stream itself is it possible to block it? I don't really see how.
Is there a good federated alternative to YouTube?
The corporatization of the world feels like it's coming to a head. You're not allowed to own anything anymore. Everything is a subscription and it's impossible to afford property. You just rent everything putting you on constant edge until you die.
They want your money but they don't want to actually provide any customer or creator services. They think they can automate everything but do a shit job at it.
Greedy fuckers. They're not making enough money already? And when you pay them you get shit service anyways.
Isn't the actual point that other people can see your karma? That's not a risk with this script. I mean you could go around telling people your karma but that'd be super lame.
I disagree. HD lasted a super long time. That there would be a new standard after HD was never a question. As far as standards go it lasted a very long time and did about as good as any standard could.
64 bit was an absolute necessity. That it was a lot of work to switch to does not mean it was overhyped.
I don't like Facebook but that doesn't mean its success can be ignored. It became the biggest social network and was regularly mentioned in the same breath as Google and Microsoft, so I can't see how it's overhyped as much as I don't like them.
Judging by the article even the snippets are pure nonsense:
Black lace pajamas, very short skirt, the most important thing, now this lace pajamas are all wet.
It could be vastly improved upon with the new LLMs, but these are just complete rubbish.
I don't understand the end game here. I understand corporations trying to get more control, but you have less money and power if you're just ruling over ashes.
What I don't understand is who is downloading and reading these books?
That's my bet too. They weren't hosting the site itself on GCP but they were using them for trust and safety services, and I bet that one of those services was anti scraping prevention with things like ip blocking and captchas, which would explain why scraping suddenly became a problem for them the day their contract ended. It can't be a coincidence.