Yeah, as long as it's what's up guys. Used in a plural sense. If you say you're a guy or this is my tech guy, ehhh not fun.
joined 1 year ago
In general, I was okay with Obama, but I still want further left. Like Bernie Sanders.
Eww, thanks for finding that.
I mean I would say the same thing but that's because of the Republicans doing their noe-nazi thing.
I got mine waived as my mom already stalked my sister around town and posted about militant lesbians when she started dating women.
I think you can extend that to alt right terrorists.
I need to do my birth certificate before Missouri makes it illegal.
Homeland: portainer Work: Openshift
My thoughts is how granular you need permissions to be.
I never heard of the milk one, can they make it lactose free?
Taking progesterone? You can take it at night.
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