We have yet to see how this makes things better. If I were having an especially sceptic day, I'd just say this is a propaganda play (y'know, with women's day around the corner). 'Meloni is standing up for the weak' - is the message I am getting.
If we can take it at face value, we can pocket the win. But having a gender-related rule created by a right-wing politician that hints at pushing conservative points makes me wary.
Luckily it doesn't really matter what I believe, because there will be metrics on the matter. I do hope this new law helps curb violence. If nothing else, it's a PSA that revenge porn is bad, which is way better than not talking about it.
I guess if we can establish a protected class, it could deter violence. While I am the furthest thing from an Italian lawyer as possible, I highly doubt that there aren't a handful of laws already in place that couldn't be enforced to combat violence against women.
This could be a solid step in the right direction and enough to hand out harsher sentences where the motives are clearly misogynistic in nature.
Maybe I'm a bit in over my head, as I do have to think about the terminology, and many things come through fuzzy, to say it best. I just can't shake the notion that at best this is only a loaded signaling, at worst another loophole to somehow horrificly abuse.