Fordi ingen forstår problematikken i at hele verden mere eller mindres styres af tech monopoler. Alt er microsoft. Tænk hvis MS gik konkurs i morgen. HELE verden ville falde sammen fordi stater er så afhænginge er deres produkter.
At ryge mens børnene sidder i bilen er selvfølgelig en dårlig ide. Jeg tror bare man skal passe på med at staten skal bestemme sådan noget. Men nu er jeg også af den generelle holdning at lovgivning der rulles igennem med "folkesundheds"-argumentet ikke står over argumentet om personlig frihed. Folk skal have lov til at ryge. Hvis argumentet er at forbedre folkesundheden burde vi også se på at forbyde alkohol - f.eks. starte med cult shakers osv. hvor både smag og markedsføring helt klart er tiltænkt et yngre publikum. Samme trick laver de med Små Fugle som liiiige præcis har en alkoholprocent der gør det lovligt at købe for personer på 16 år. Ligesom "det smager som slik"-argumentet der blev brugt til at forbyde salg af e-juice med anden smag end tobak/mentol. Men nix! Vi SKAL jo være PISSE FULDE i DK. Det er fint med aldersgrænser, men jeg er meget imod total forbud.
/whataboutism rant
Spillet Against the Storm. En lille city builder med rogue-like elementer. Kan anbefales men bliver dog, efter min mening, en smule repetitivt efter 10 timer. Godt køb hvis på tilbud.
I have the same experience as the author you just replied to. While some of what you are saying is true, I have never had everyday issues like these on windows. I switch to Linux once a year to change things up. Mint, arch, Debian... A few major issues I experience
- login screen just freezes after standby
- wifi not automatically recognizing what settings e.g. security protocol my work wifi uses
- external monitors not working
- updates just breaking my whole OS or not working
These are essentials, not something I can simply learn to live with or fix on the fly.
Would love to switch! I can get through work without proprietary software so that's not the issue.
Use industry software standards. Adobe, Autodesk etc etc. I know, these solutions sucks, but it is the world people live it. Most Lemmy people are into tech for the sake of tech. You are technological literate to the highest degree. Understand and critique developments in tech. Very important work! However, a graphical designer probably isn't that literate and wouldn't be able to do work in a Foss environment. Yes, 1 in a 1000 might use Gimp but good luck colabbing with other people in the industry.
That's a value proposition. Explain to me how you would price this for it to be fair? If you don't like it, don't buy it. This has nothing to do with enshitification.
Maybe for people who are not interested in smartphones? Could also be an educational project if you want to dive into embedded systems. You'll also save battery on your phone.
- Stop crashing when I log in after standby
- Weird graphical glitches
- The WiFi manager. Trying to connect to work WiFi but I then have to fill in info on certificates, protocols and what not. Stuff I don't understand, don't experience on Mac/windows and don't want to know about.
- At least try to make an interesting package manager/store. How about some screenshots and icons?
Find me EV with soul and I buy
Fun to dig around a bit!!! Hoped to find my old ATi 9700 card from MSI on there, but only found the chip :(
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