using superconducting magnets the cold will actually be beneficial? e. caputures by solar panel & stores electricity with ultra dense capacitors, insolation at a rate that makes it economical
Later, nature conceals structures.
perhaps in the same way we could understand the concept of AGI but haven't achieved it [... yet?]
there's these things called electrons that are moved when you move a magnet relative to a conductor material, such as copper, these electrons have more power than steam. Switches are signal devices, like valves in a steam engine. We used to use them, for instance, to make a signal pass or not pass. These switches have, over the years, been manufactured to an astounding billions per square inch, they are all called transistors and have no moving parts. Four equations will be sufficient to describe the situation.
why then, are they not called builts when you finish building them?
kinda strange it took 400 years to get the type on metal rods to strike paper, when all the ingredients were around since movable type. Was it the Angstrom Problem? i.e. couldn't work small type-set until almost 1900 but could make a chronograph for longitude which is much more complex mechanically than a typewriter. Perhaps if Hamilton wasn't killed in the duel, he and Ben Franklin could have invented the typewriter.
We discovered god. There's your explanation.
generally an ordered gathering of monomers.
These days we just get a thinking machine to remember that sort of thing for us.
I've already been replaced by AI. I moved from R to Julia in the last year. AI learned Julia in a hour.
there is a swarm of electric birds coming, coordinated by AGI