uv actually does have a reimplementation of pipx, via uv tool
or uvx
: https://docs.astral.sh/uv/concepts/tools/#tools
the concept in the OP is different; it's an implementation of pep722 https://peps.python.org/pep-0722/
uv actually does have a reimplementation of pipx, via uv tool
or uvx
: https://docs.astral.sh/uv/concepts/tools/#tools
the concept in the OP is different; it's an implementation of pep722 https://peps.python.org/pep-0722/
he wasn't actively wearing/using the ring while in the shire iirc
sadly no; position of hint is determined by the LSP server.
you could use this plugin (now archived) which was the way many people used hints pre-0.10:
i was initially worried that this would be just another tool, but it actually looks like a pretty interesting and ergonomic take at a wrapper for common python dependency management workflow. excited to try it out
haven't tried it myself, but I've heard https://earthly.dev/ is supposed to address the execute locally problem
this article suggests shell allowed, but git also has a built-in feature for aliases itself. I prefer these as it allows you to keep using the git
command normally (more consistent when you tend to use history search/auto-suggestions heavily).
running git config --global alias.st status
, for example, will allow you to run git st
as an alias for typing out the full git status
(you can also manually add aliases to your ~/.gitconfig
explanation here, it wasn't just for the meme: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/pull/9512#issuecomment-1410820102
It definitely would be. Next time someone posts a kernel written in Perl I hope they specify that.
not sure about escape sequences just yet, but Kitty gives you insane control over font rendering https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf/#fonts
might switch from alacritty to kitty almost just for this (although I've been meaning to for a while). the "immediately get scroll back into an nvim buffer to edit as a command" is pretty sweet
just to add to the other answers - no need to have them in your home dir (that sounds like it would suck). use a tool like
uv tool
, or just manually create any venv you need under a path you choose, say$HOME/.cache/venvs/