Behold Coruscant! The entire planet ... is a city!
Crashed due to low visibility in fog.
Only 90's kids will remember
Send the sound to the eyes and watch them vibrate like hypnotoad.
Look how young the children were when they would send them deep into the pasta mines. Back then, they didn’t even use proper ventilation. They would frequently end up with gluten lung.
The people of the moon crave freedom from an unspecified tyrant.
Chants of Sennaar is absolutely one of my favorite games. It's one of the few games I've played where the mechanics of the game and the themes of the game were in perfect harmony.
- plucks ratchet strap as it's tightening - "Bb...B, C...Db, D, D, D...Yeah'p. At'll git er."
Agree. Lesbians have always had my back. If they ever need us, we gotta be there for them.
While it's obviously weird to want the bill of rights and declaration of independence in your Bible; let me just say, if your goal is to convert kids to Christianity, the KJV bible is just completely opaque to children that don't normally read 17th century literature.
Bee of the Bird of the Moth.