In a way yes, we are running from company to company. For myself I accepted a few compromises along the way because I don't have the time and energy to do everything myself. So this is where I am at.
Hosting email yourself is a nightmare and is getting basically impossible more and more (see here). So I accepted my fate and looked for a solution that fits my needs.
For cloud storage I used to self host Nextcloud and / or Syncthing for years. While it was fun in the beginning I loathed it at the end. Even with good hardware and Docker and 25 years of experience there was always something that stopped to work after a while - especially with Nextcloud. For Syncthing (which I really like) there is no real client for iOS (wife's phone). Also exposing anything to the internet can turn into a nightmare pretty quickly. But my work blocks my VPN... You see what I mean? There certainly are solutions for all that but I was tired of looking.
Hetzner is a large German hoster with a quite good reputation. They need to follow GDPR regulations and because they provide closely monitored solutions for my work I know they do as much as possible. The Nextcloud instance is super reliable ever since I started.
I use Nextcloud tools for encryption at rest which is enough for me. They even let you perform cli commands (a few from a web UI, other through support mail). Support is fast and well informed.
It is certainly not for everyone! But for my scenario it is the currently best compromise.
Hetzner has Nextcloud in their offer. It's a hosted instance which you are admin of. About 5 Euros a month for 1 TB of storage for the smallest tier. This was the way I chose after years of self hosting. Your-storageshare is awesome and I don't get tired of recommending it. Maybe I should ask for a commission at some point...