"sudo kill -9 4346" for additional brutality
Worst game of the year so far.
I'll be over here playing my dwarf games.
On auto save: on small files auto save can be a good idea, as long as it is easy to jump through revisions.
I'd recommend https://www.typingclub.com/ for specifically learning touch typing with finger placement etc.
or https://www.keybr.com/ to focus on words containing keys I struggle with.
I found with the few 'public speaking' presentations I did during school, writing down what I was going to say made me more diligent about information/points to bring forward and what phrasing to use. I suspect all this time spent on one specific thing greatly helped commit the topic to memory and by the time of presentation I didn't need to rely on prompts to get my point across.
This is the best I can do:
haha this will make for some great content
Still a banger
Southern Florida vs '~the~South' Florida
wacky units to use though
An automation API would also be nice please.. ^(i^ ^hope^ ^it^ ^doesn't^ ^require^ ^an^ ^additional^ ^$4000/y^ ^licence)^