The advertising company makes a browser and limits ads. Color me shocked.
This is fucking fantastic! Thank you for posting OP
Yes and tribalism in general too.
Hacked Vita with RetroArch is so so so much fun!!
Agreed 100%. OTOH - keeping people engaged and thinking about these gross ethics violations are good for our elections. Republicans are winning the hearts and minds of the electorate as they up the ante on terrible acts. This will hopefully not let these assholes get off the hook.
Also… I don’t know this publisher’s ethics standards or motives. Just wishful thinking
They have always been packaged that way in the US. The peanut butter ones somewhat mitigate the crumb situation.
Quality shitpost OP 🤌
The article alludes to these chemicals being in fabrics. Does this include leather, not pleather, seats?
Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. The Overton window has most certainly shifted more to the right/conservative side no matter who is in office over the last 40 years. Not totally - but definitely noticeably.