Quick heads up, gelbooru doesn't like their servers to be used as cdn for other services, it's best you reupload the image to something line https://files.catbox.moe and use that link instead.
Just use prism, it's multimc but properly maintained, pro OSS (if you care) and has a built-in curse/modrinth downloader.
As someone who read the source material, this hit way harder in the novels for me, the anime cut out way too much of his internal struggles which are at the forefront of this arc.
You can save posts on Lemmy, for me it's a bookmark icon (I use liftoff) they will show up in your bookmarks.
I love this feature as a nice "come back to this later" button
Man, that's just ice cold
I haven't had a need for it and it got in my way more than anything else.
No problem, I was looking for this after I tried using fish seriously for a month and it was the only thing I needed
you should be able to reconfigure the plugin, I have it set to pull from history first and after that look for standard command completion using the following:
ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion)
important is that you put this BEFORE sourcing the plugin.
the github should carry more information on how to configure this plugin.
PS: I use all of 4 plugins (fzf-tab-bin, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-history-substring-search) and I have a better shell in zsh than I will ever have in fish, I don't need anything more fancy and oh-my-zsh is hell to work with compared to a simple .zshrc I handrolled because it's got any other shell I know beat (yes I know of nushell and it is cool, but it's even less posix than fish).
also, once you're done run zcompile .zshrc
, you won't regret it.
CoC and Nerd tree are popular plugins, but I personally found CoC slow (on a 7 year old laptop) and I've switched to using coq with neovim's native LSP (helped by LSPconfig) and I've always used Chad tree by the same author.
A couple of other plugins I commonly use are: fzf, vim-polyglot, auto-pairs, nvim-treesitter (this has many IDE's beat IMO), vim-which-key, lualine.nvim, nvim-web-devicons, barbar.nvim, gitsigns.nvim, rainbow-parentheses.vim
You can also set scrolloff and sidescrolloff to something like 99999 to keep the cursor centered.
For the rest I have Shift+hjkl for 10 line jumps and Ctrl+hjkl for jumping between panes. You might want to increase your keyboard repeat rate (I have a timeout of 200ms and a rate of 70Hz personally, but that might be a bit fast for you), some hardcore vim users may also like to swap caps lock and escape, but I had mixed results with that.
Sort of, that said I rarely pull open qpwgraph (and I didn't configure wireplumber yet either) and it's been pretty ok for me.
Also remember that all these nodes correspond to some input or output stream (good chance it might be gstreamer or ffmpeg doing this) and from what I think is happening is that these are created by these programs through the pipewire API or the one from the other audio servers it's faking and wireplumber merely hides them using some flag.
That said, I have not dug I to the pipewire documentation so this is a guess on my part.
Pipewire is the audio server
Wireplumber manages your interfaces and their connections automatically
Qpwgraph let's you view and modify these interfaces and connections manually
Bot wireplumber and qpwgraph talk to pipewire to change the state of your interfaces, but they are unaware of each other. Theoretically this means you can forgo either qpwgraph or wireplumber, but you don't really want to go without wireplumber as that would mean you have to configure every interface and connection manually.
You don't know how much I missed this app and how much Lemmy feels like home now