Why do you think that? Dive bombing hits generally within a few meters, even during WW2 where it was used against tanks. Why would a guided rocket be that much better? Where would it get the target data from if it doesn't have a human to guide it?
Obviously, there exist guided munitions with higher accuracy (<1m) but that's not the majority.
Die Apartheid bezieht sich auf Israel, nicht (Edit: nur) auf Gaza und die Westbank. Es gab auch damals Palästiner (bzw. Araber die wir heutzutage als Palästiner bezeichnen würden) in Israel. Siehe bspw. den Wikipediaartikel dazu:
"While most Arabs remaining in Israel were granted citizenship, they were subject to martial law in the early years of the state.[33][34] Zionism had given little serious thought as to how to integrate Arabs, and according to Ian Lustick subsequent policies were 'implemented by a rigorous regime of military rule that dominated what remained of the Arab population in territory ruled by Israel, enabling the state to expropriate most Arab-owned land, severely limit its access to investment capital and employment opportunity, and eliminate virtually all opportunities to use citizenship as a vehicle for gaining political influence'.[35] Travel permits, curfews, administrative detentions, and expulsions were part of life until 1966."