This concept has legs, let's get this thing green lit!
Aight who has tips on how to mitigate this shit? I'm one of them ADHD cats who's a little chaotic yet charismatic, so I'm always getting remembered and doing most of the name forgetting. Has made for probably hundreds of terrible moments where I'm absolutely dancing around the fact that I've forgotten an old acquaintance's name.
If you've got a good technique, please share I need that yesterday
If not dementia, it was a similarly debilitating condition. Wanted to dip on his own terms before he became a husk of himself.
RIP Rob, you were the GOAT.
"Check, check one, check one two, cash also accepted"
Did you not see that documentary Civil War? It could happen again at any time!
/s in case that wasn't obvious
I mean also yes 😂
Candy for the kids. Slutty fits for the adults.
Good on you for challenging beliefs and forming your own opinions. Not easy to pull yourself out of these things.
As a drummer, is it possible to learn this magic?!
Honestly man. Fuck pride or "but the rules" or any of that noise. Left is for passing, only cruising when rearview is wide open. Shift over to let the speed demons through. Not that hard.
Still can't do anything about the kids driving like GTA7 but as long as you're steady and predictable you're doing all you can.
Loool know that pain well! Potential salvation with "nah but your last name" or like "there's not a silent 'eux' (or whatever's clever) in there?"