
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You can compare total better than per user at these scales.
Lemmy needs a certain amount of performance to keep up with federation, but once you have all the images and posts and comments you don't need second versions until you scale to a size that mandates multiple machines. Which I would guess is more in the 6+ digit user range, where you start averaging requests per second not minute.

In some sense, every lemmy user is a user of your instance via federation. You need to pay the performance for all 100k of us whether your instance has 10 or 10k of those. Local users are just a bit extra demanding on your hosting resources.

I suspect the bias we see here with larger instances paying a bit more (50-ish instead of 10-ish) is more due to reliability and snappyness than actual performance needs too. You tend to get optional smaller-gains pricier perks you might not go for for a smaller instance.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Link is detected without the emoji in my app. You might wanna hardcode the link as😂

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you rename a file only changing the casing it doesn't update properly, you need to rename it to something else and back.
This is so userfriendly I have been stumped by it multiple times.

On the other hand in using Linux I have had a number of problems with the casing of files: The number is 0

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah. You want to preserve the AI's abilities. Hence adding the "paste imagination" feature for example. If you simply use that and finish "editing" that is current AI. Then you can quickly redo only sections from imagination until they look good, maybe with a specific prompt or other form of understanding about what needs to be done and changed there.

We can invert our visual center, so basically we see an image, think about it, then can summon a mental version of that painting back as an image by converting the abstraction of it and change things about the abstraction until the mental image seems good. This abstraction can handle ideas like recognizing, moving, scaling, recoloring objects. It can do all we can imagine because it is literally how we interpret the world. Then we spend hours trying to paint that mental image we created using limited tools. If we could just project something the same way we see, that would probably match image-AI in the initial output but after tens, hundreds of passes you could likely within minutes create something completely impossible by any other means.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you feel like you can think clearly and are questioning if you are dreaming but are unsure, you are not.
All methods of lucid dreaming aim at making you think clearly and question if you are in a dream. With that thought, it should be quite obvious to confirm you are in fact in a dream. Dreams are really not that good, sleeping is just kinda like a heavy suspension of disbelief.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (19 children)

You know, thinking about it, I doubt this is a coincidence.

The finger-counting is familiar to me as a technique for lucid dreaming. If you look at your hands in a dream, your brain will kinda fuck it up, so if you train yourself to pay attention to that you realize you are dreaming and become lucid.

My guess is that the origin of fae is something like sleep paralysis deamons or hallucinations, and people realized they could detect those from the same flaws of our own imagination.

Now for AI, it isn't really drawing. What we are using in image-AI is still much more like projecting up a mental image, dreaming. We can't get it right all at once either, even our human brain is not good enough at it, it is reasonable image-AI makes the same kind of mistakes.

The next step would logically be to emulate the drawing process. You need to imagine up an image, then observe it at large, check for inconsistencies using reasoning and visual intuition.
Hone in on any problems, stuff that doesn't look right or doesn't make sense. Lines not straight.
Then start reimagining those sections, applying learned techniques and strategies, painter stuff (I am not an artist).
Loosely I imagine the ai operating a digital drawing program with a lot of extra unusual tools like paste imagination or telepathic select, or morph from mind.

The main thing differentiating dreaming from painting is that for painting you can "write stuff down" and don't have to keep it all in your head all the time. This allows you to iterate and focus in without loosing all the detail everywhere else.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And revanced adds it to the official app

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, for amateurs it'll be a while longer for this tech to become easily available.
Though It is also fundamentally fixable, you can take the output of your sensor and apply the same sort of logic to it as professional large telescopes. The blocking spots will be larger since the telescope will not correct for atmospheric distortions and likely be in a less favorable spot, but still you can do far better than throwing out entire frames or even entire exposures.
It is ofc a much much larger ask for hobby astronomers to deal with this initial wild-west software mess of figuring all of that out.

As for the RF mess, this is the first time I hear of that. It seems honestly kinda odd to me, we have a lot of frequency control regulations globally and I have heard SpaceX go through the usual frequency allocation proceedings. A violation of that would be easy to show and should get them in serious trouble quickly. Do you have any source on that?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Maybe to add a bit of general context to this, I am not an astronomer but I work in an adjacent field. So I hear a lot of astronomers talk about their work both in private and public.
You don't really hear them talk about satellites often. What from what I gather really wrecks astronomy is light pollution, which has been doubling every few years for a while now and is basically caging optical astronomy to a select few areas.

The worst thing for astronomy in the last century has probably, ironically, been the invention of the LED.

The satellite streak thing is probably a minor point, where newspapers caught some justified ranting of astronomers and blew it way out of proportion.


I have been playing around with pwa-like experiences, and as part of that I tested "kiosk mode".

For those who don't know, you can start a "kiosk window" with the command firefox -kiosk --new-window <url>, which will open that url in fullscreen without a titlebar, right click menu, any overlays like the link preview or loading text, ...
I cancelled the fullscreen flag of my window, and had a resizable fully functional website in a frameless window.

Which was great and all, until I realized that in my running profile now every newly opened window is also in kiosk mode, and right click was globally disabled. My running firefox instance has been infected by the kiosk disease.

Anyway, it's not a large issue, I can just restart my infected instance. But I hate restarting my browser, it usually runs for multiple months.

My question is, is it possible to leave kiosk mode without restarting firefox?

Plan transition timing (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

2 month update: Just got this mail

Your Nebula Subscription
We're writing to let you know about a change to your Nebula subscription. Curiosity Stream deactivated your bundle access to Nebula on February 22, 2024. Because you purchased your direct Nebula subscription while still having access to Nebula through the bundle, we're adjusting your subscription's renewal date to be one year after your bundle subscription was deactivated. Your updated subscription details are as follows:

Next Renewal Date: February 22, 2025
Subscription: Yearly
Amount: $30 USD

So that would also indicate double charging.

The charge is immediate, but the 12-month plan starts when the bundle access ends.

Original question:
Got the info that my curiositystream bundle, started mid april, wouldn't renew. I canceled the bundle on curiositystreams side and used the process the unbundle page guides you through to change to a regular subscription. Which worked fine. But the subscription price got charged immediately, and I now have two subscriptions listed in my account:

The confirmation reads

Thank you for purchasing a subscription to Nebula.

Subscription: Yearly
Purchase Date: February 21, 2024
Amount: $30 USD

Am I essentially getting double charged for 2 months here? If so, what would have been the right procedure?


I updated my firefox from 119.0.1 to 121.0 two days ago, and have noticed a for my usage quite significant change:
When I have a page, say a search engine query or a gallery of links on a page, and I open one then go back, previously I got the cached version. Within reason of the cache size I could go back a few pages even days later and critically see them as they where, just like I would expect for a tab I have open.

I use this behavior to work through essentially todo lists, so now that the lists get reloaded every time I visit them, this combines with server side caching to make the list jump around quite annoyingly.
My expected behavior would be the cached back history being served when available, except when I manually hit F5.

Was this change intentional? Is there any way to get the old behavior back?

It seems to be a bug and only happen on some profiles, potentially dependent on some metric related to heavy use, like number of open tabs and windows.
It seems to be related to uBlock Origin.
It is definitely an issue within ubo, I will add a link to the issue there when I create it.
It seems to be caused by the "AdGuard Tracking Protection" filter list within ubo.
Edit: issues:
ubo filters:
It was fixed a few minutes ago, the changes should percolate through to ubo soon™. Thx Yuki2718.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For those who don't know,
The Multi Key is a key you can set on linux, with which you can type an insane amount of unicode characters. It is commonly bound to scroll lock, I will represent it with ↓ here.

A few examples of shortcuts would be
↓TM → ™
↓|v → ↓ (the character I am using here)
↓+- → ±
↓co → ǒ

Now, most of those work just fine in Firefox, but weirdly there are some that don't. For example ↓PP produces ¶ just fine, but ↓RR doesn't type ℝ. for ↓RR the Multi Key input stops, like it does once no more valid sequences are left that match the current input. ↓CC also doesn't type ℂ, but it doesn't stop but continue on as if there was a different sequence starting with CC. I don't see anything special about the sequences that don't work compared to the majority that do.

After some trial an error, I think what is happening is that firefox does read my .XCompose, but the line include "%L", that is supposed to load the default Compose file located in /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose is ignored. It is not a language configuration error, as include "/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose" is ignored too. Entering some deliberate modifications or even removing existing sequences from the Compose file doesn't affect Firefox.
I even found some sequence ↓a_ which is supposed to yield ā but firefox has as ª (not to be confused with ᵃ the superscript a) instead.

Searching for the place Firefox' Compose is defined, I grepped for "ª" which is a pretty rare character, and hit I tried a bunch of other characters and found pretty much everything that has a compose sequence is found in that file.

So thus my question would be: Are Firefoxes default compose sequences statically compiled into And if so, why?

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