It would be nice if Jagex would confirm that it is fine to use this laucher. As far as I know we have no more information than this tweet from Mod Ash: Bolt does work the same as the official launcher, so it should not be a problem…
Fedora might be a good option, but it might require more setup with an Nvidea GPU. They use Wayland now, are a Gnome based distro, support full disk encryption. For me the package mangar has been fine, and they do support flatpak. It is a very large distro with backing from RedHat. So it should generally be stable.
Pop_OS! Seems to be the great distro if you just want to game and watch videos without any issues arround setting up the drivers. It has been a quite stable distro for me and it is quite similar to Ubuntu. Unfortunately this distro doesn’t have Wayland yet.
Manjaro is an Arch based distro, but it had some issues with using packages from the AUR. They do run Gnome on Wayland by default.
Ik had ze zelf nog niet eerder gezien. Lokaal valt er waarschijnlijk meer te behalen ja. Er zijn dan veel minder kiezers nodig en soms worden kleine partijen juist uitgelicht. En alleen al meer andacht is misschien al genoeg om de publieke opinie een beetje te beïnvloeden.
I started with an openSUSE dual boot with KDE. I didn't use Linux a lot at that point. Later, I switched to Ubuntu on a laptop for about a year and used that until I bought a MacBook. Eventually, I returned to Linux by running Pop!_OS on my desktop, but games were a bit choppy, and I really wanted to just run Wayland. I also started to use RHEL at work for our servers. So now I'm trying to switch to Fedora. I still have some issues with the Jagex Launcher, but aside from that, everything seems to work great now.
At home, I have also had an Ubuntu Server for many years, and I also run Ubuntu Server on my VPS.
Wat een raar verhaal, waarom zou de Chinese overheid geld steken in het steunen van zo'n kleine partij die nooit zetels gaat halen. Ook heeft deze partij andere standpunten in het Nederlands dan dat het heeft in de Chinese media. (Zo zegt RTL: Vertegenwoordigers van de partij hebben sterke pro-Chinese standpunten, maar uiten die alleen in Chinese media.). Dus het is ook geen eenvoudige promotie van Chinese standpunten.
This looks great. That would be quite a powerful low-weight machine with long battery life. If they won't be too expensive (and gaming works on them) I might get one. At least RuneLite seems to already support ARM64 on Linux and these chips also put more spotlight on ARM trough Windows on ARM.
Ze zijn bij de VVD blijkbaar over de problemen met regeren met de PVV heen en willen graag een echt rechts kabinet. Maarja dan moeten ze wel de NSC overtuigen om toch met de PVV samen te gaan werken… terwijl ze kort geleden nog met ruzie uit elkaar gingen.
Ik snap wel dat de VVD bang is voor een kabinet onder Timmermans, bij de volgende verkiezingen zal extreem rechts ze dan verwijten verantwoordelijk te zijn voor links beleid.
I got the boardgame last week, haven’t played it yet. The art and boxes all seem quite good. I’m looking forward to playing it.
If you would just stick to playing games on the Quest 2/3 directly that should be fine. The Quest 2 can run basic games, so it does limit you a bit. For example VR Chat has some worlds with too many assets that are not playable on the Quest 2 directly. From what I remember you would be limited to Meta’s store though.
Unfortunately VR seems to be a niche thing so I doubt this will get a lot of priority on Linux.
I searched for a fish related video on PeerTube and put the URL ( in the search bar of my Lemmy instance, after a bit the video was available like here just as a regular Lemmy post. You should now be able to reply to it from Lemmy.
Flatpak and Snap definitely make installation more simple. The packages come with their own dependencies so you have way less issues with conflicting dependencies. I like them when they are officially supported by the distribution or developer, but I prefer the official installations over supporting a random person making a package (not sure if this is a thing with Flatpak, but with Snaps that was definitely a thing).
Some software really benefits from not begin inside flatpak though, I had to switch back to the deb version of Visual Studio Code as the integrated console didn't have access to some software outside the package and was also logging weird errors.
There is indeed quite a shift towards just posting articles. A lot of people don’t regularly post (at least it was like that on Reddit), and for those people, the articles are great.
It is hard to keep conversations active in smaller communities. As people will quickly stop posting new chats and questions if there are no replies.