Um ... Tankies and Nazis often disagree with each other. Are they both doing something right?
A Windows version becomes considered "good" the exact moment a next version is released. No sooner, no later. Those are the rules.
Also state capitalism, the economic system of the USSR.
No Niles?
I was a pretty big fan of Frasier so I'll probably try to see at least one episode (when I can get it in Europe), but I don't have hopes up. It seems nobody else does either.
On the other hand, Rodney Trotter? This just seems weird.
The wealth will finally trickle down!
There's a great test for programmers called FizzBuzz. It's an extremely easy task - print some numbers (maybe 1 to 100), but replace them with Fizz if they're divisible by 3, by Buzz if they're divisible by 5, or by FizzBuzz if they're both.
Many reasonable people consider it way too easy - if you can write this, it doesn't mean that you can write complex programs, or that you know the applicable languages, or that you know anything about the business domain.
But interviewers know that it's a great test because a lot of so-called programmers still fail it.
Everyone will call you a market socialist because that’s what you want.
And despite all your railing against anything resembling a free market, I still don't see any downsides of that.
It is true that Lenin considered his own experiment state capitalist, this was referring to the New Economic Policy he set up. This, however, was meant to pave the way for a more advanced form of socialism. In other words, it was taking one step back to take two steps forward.
I get the reasoning for this and all, but why did the two steps forward never happen? The USSR existed for over half a century, and was heavily industrialized after WW2. Surely they could have found the time to switch back to socialism?
Where did Marx advocate for state capitalism?
"free markets", the fundamental ideology of capitalism
Wrong already. The fundamental ideology of capitalism is that people with capital reap the profits (through control of means of production, but also means of living). You can shorten that to "rich get richer". But nothing related to markets.
In fact, there were several instances of capitalist economies without a free market. Nazi Germany comes to mind - the government bought weapons, supplies, and everything else, but they were contracted from private corporations controlled only by "desirable" individuals. Other wartime economies apply here too, to a lesser degree - with rationing but still private ownership.
And yes, capitalists are always afraid of a genuinely free market, because they don't want competition.
The two cases were "do (meaning 'emulate') their economy and policies" and "do (meaning 'have sex with') their people". No "have" anywhere.
I think they meant 3/7/21 instead of the standard 3/5/15.