
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Tbf cross country equipment can be very expensive in a country that is all about cross country skiing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

I should have said "socially mandatory". Not mandatory as in you fail your classes if you go walking instead, but it was heavily not ok if your kid doesn't take part or you can't buy the equipment for them. My kid was in school just a few years ago still, but it was more rural.

I also did substitute PE teaching for some years and saw a lot of these equipment related financial issues during those times, there was none to give from the school to improve inclusion. Not just with skiis, but with skates and other winter sport stuff as well.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Ah solidarity, I also won a week long ski pass as a teen with lift tickets and rented skiis. I went to it with a friend and we spent all day every day in the slopes. That along with a school class trip are the only times I have alpine skied in a country of endless ski slopes, haha. It was a lot of fun, the rich kids did it all the time. Tony Hawk games and snowboarding was a big thing at the time and it was the rich kids in my class exclusively who had snowboards and were able to do that and flex about it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

It's very different then. Here this is a mandatory sport in school, but everyone has to buy their own equipment. Often kids from poor or for example migrant families end up having to sit out the ski lessons and also get poorer grades/negative feedback because of it. I was able to buy my kid one set of new skiis during their school years, but even those broke our bank. Kids skiis are cheaper, but you also need the sticks, shoes and proper clothing. Kids need several pairs over the years as they grow up so other times my kid just never got to take part.

We are made to compete in skiing as well from grade 1 onwards latest, it can be very humiliating for those who never learn it well or those many who never like it. I personally did like it, but my parents never were able to get good skis for me so it was always miserable. I did ski in the woods by myself though, that was nice. It was a good way to get to places in winter growing up, I did love skiing on sea ice.

Interestingly skiing was just a mode of transport in this country in the past, just like biking, and everyone had these equipment or made them. Nowadays it has become more of a banal nationalism and a symbol of "national spirit" and "fitness" or whatever that is seen as good and moral. It fits really well into the neoliberal wordview because people can just say "everyone is free to do it", ignoring the fact that the cheapest and crappiest skis for adults are hundreds of euros. If you are for example tall or fat, you can't buy those or you will hate skiing or end up hurt.

It is actually pretty depressing how something that historically was a mode of transport for the majority has been turned into something very exclusive and expensive by capitalism. I would argue this is happening to biking too, new bikes are well out of reach for someone like me now, but at least there is a better second hand market.

I tried to look for old school forest skiis to get past this and to be able to ski outside the raging bougies in the maintained lanes, but turns out those are even more pricey as the bougies have also discovered nature now as a posing stage.

Wish we had kept all the old skis our grandparents still had when I was young, the wood plank style army skis and such from the start of the last century. Those would still work in cross country terrain and could be maintained forever unlike the high tech carbon fibre stuff we are sold, but you can't find them anywhere anymore.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

It is complicated and tied to EU regulation and the "free market", but it effectively made things so that Yle is not allowed to do text based journalism the same way it was before. There was a petition againts the law change here that obviously did nothing despite being a mechanism for "open democracy".

Our capitalist media and right wing pushed out endless think pieces about Yle not being open and democratic enough to make this happen. The public ate that up. Later many voted for the Basic Finns because they promised to cut the funding of Yle (that they think is a nest of leftists) in half. It's all a big farce.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago

I mean the snow making machines, afaik they use a lot of energy. Where I live those are used to put snow into the cross-country ski routes that are everywhere as well.

The petty bourge loves this sport too, it makes them feel like they are properly doing their protestant seld-discipline. It has a lot of male coded and toughness coded undertones, there are a lot of sayings about skiing and "toughness". Ski route rage is a real thing that happens here as a result.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I don't know where you are, but where I live this has never been the sort of second hand stuff that is even remotely accessible to poor people.

I have been able to alpine ski about twice in my life. With rented equipment. Plenty of places around me for doing it, the lift tickets alone make it way too expensive.

And when it comes to cross country, which is a kind of national sport where I live, we all did do that as kids. But, it isn't cheap. Plenty of kids can't afford the equipment and those who have the good stuff obviously enjoy it more and don't get laughed at.

During covid year one me and my partner thought about doing it again as it's outdoors, but soon found out there is no way poor folks buy even cross country adult skiis that are actually usable. Used isn't all that cheap either.

There are endless tax payer money maintained ski routes in this country during winter that take over walking routes, hiking routes etc. You are not allowed to do anything there but ski during the ski season. The people who do it are all upper middle class or otherwise in a position where they can afford the equipment. The poors don't even get to use the area for walking during this time.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

Fun fact, the OG big covid wave in my country was almost single handedly brought in by bougie skiiers partying in Austria, in the middle of a pandemic.

They just had to go skii, in a pandemic.

The genetic variant testing has revealed that not a single actual wave or mass spread ever happened here from outside the circles of bougie whiteness, no matter how hard they tried to make headlines of the "Chinese tourist" with covid.

And the fact that energy is spent in putting fake snow on the ground for these people so they can do their sport in climate change destroyed mountains is also a thing. They fly to these places to ski on artificial snow...

Not to mention how this "sport" and the tourism done in Lapland around it exploits and robs Sami peoples lands.

[–] [email protected] 66 points 7 months ago (18 children)

White supremacy and imperialism are unsustainable, humanity is not. We are totally able to live on this earth sustainably as a species and have done so just fine. Capitalism is unsustainable, but it has nothing to do with humanity as a whole.

Your comment is pretty (eco)fashy tbh.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I have had to cut my Yle consumption to once in a few weeks, it triggers me so bad every time now. Should come with a health warning.

But you are so right, it has been incredible to watch how the relatively thinly weiled mask has come fully off in the last few years. I know a part if it is explained by the change in Yle law that the right wing pushed for that made the lefty journalist flee. And the editors in the recent times have all come from the corporate side of Finnish media that is notoriously bourgeois.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Good answer. Personally have fully checked out from electroralism after the Left Alliance went pro-Nato and I started to more clearly see that their understanding of leftism is mostly whining about social justice issues, but then backing capitalism and nationalism all the way to the bank. It's a very neoliberal left. There is no real left option here.

And the presidential election being mostly a ceremonial little spectacle where people can vote their way into feeling better while the right wing government is pushing for the heaviest austerity and cuts to basic workers rights makes it all feel pretty pointless.

Can't lie though, seeing any of these bourge ghouls speaking for the country will still feel bad, but I am not sure if it really matters which one of these it is. Stubb is an obnoxious neoliberal, but so is Haavisto. It will suck either way.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

The push for return to office. At least here I am hearing about more and more sick tech workers, the whole "our entire office is sick"-thing. Not everyone will come out of that ok.

Statistically the push for in person stuff will raise their exposure too. They are working class, and can lose their protection on a whim, many have already lost it.

The amount of finance shenanigans the capitalist class has going on around in the use of these office buildings and other in-person infra is huge. And we spend a lot more when we have to leave our homes. Travel, eating out, clothing. They want the high earners out there, consuming and getting sick.


So, going to be taking part in a protest next week against the cuts our right wing gov is pushing. This will be a university protest, essentially a campus takeover that doesn't really take over anything.

The organizers want to do it in ways that doesn't really disrupt classes or cause any real disturbance, but is instead a "statement" on how the students are againts the proposed austerity policy.

This feels very in line with the civilized socdem way that changes absolutely nothing. I will go, but am thinking if there are ways to make this be more effective. Maybe use it as a place to spread the ideas of Marxism?

Currently in a country that is working its way into banning communism, not for the first time.


I have spent some days deep in the rabbit hole of reading the stories of the communist in my country from the beginning of the 1900s up to WW2 and the way they were treated. About all the things that actually happened here that I was never taught in school. Horrible violence.

And I am just so angry. And feel deeply betrayed. And somehow soiled. I have cheered on the war veterans and heroes due to my f'n programming in the past. I have shat on those who this fascist regime left behind on purpose after being fed literal lies about my own history. Pretty sure the other half of my family has literally taken part in the fascicst project here and they always played the victim.

And I have lost the opportunity to listen to my other grandfather who was Red, to really talk to him, ask questions and understand. He is long dead now, when he was still here I probably wouldn't have listened and maybe he was too scared to ever really talk about all that really happened in his lifetime.

I am just angry. And sad. We were absolutely on the wrong side of history and turned it into pride, it's disgusting.

And if I try to mention any of this to the brainwormed people around me they look the other way or roll their eyes. And at the same time spend incredible amounts of time and energy at being outraged with the right-wing government while at the same time advancing Othering and cheering on war. It is literally the same path we were on in the 1930s.

How has an entire country been able to whitewash its own history so completely that almost nobody in it no longer understands what is going on? How has the capitalist class been this succesfull at this.

Just a rant, not going to fall into despair, but boy am I just angry.


Yesterday had a long conversation with a labor aristrocratic family member, age millenial and working in tech.

He announced things like: -China is a horrible Orvellian surveillance state, you (talks to me) have no idea how horrible it is there. Haven't you seen the videos?

I try to cautiously reply that surveillance capitalism is pretty intense in the West as well and that we don't really get good or balanced information from China. He goes:

-So you sayig something like Zero Covid was the right choice?

I am hesitant to reply with a yes as this person is clearly already very fired up and confrontational. But I try to point out things about how nobody in 2020 knew how bad it might and how many will die, how people in the West are still dying, how the virus isn't in any way bening even now and how it's pretty dystopian too that here we are just sacrificing people for capitalism now and choose to ignore it.

I did say I think it was better to save people to which he said that I am a nihilist.

I also tried to explain the State outside the capitalist project and protecting multitudes not individuals, individualism and such, but he was not receiving it.

He then told me how bad the country is as he saw in the Grand Tour how they have built a highway over a rainforest that nobody uses.

I asked him where does he think all the roads and buildings in the West are built if not on top of nature. The argument as critizism of China made no sense to me whatsoever.

Later this same person said to me that we as a society have no hope and there is no point in protesting, no point in doing anything but riding out the rest of our time to climate disaster. I tried to point out to him that a socialist state can be born from capitalism, but only if we the people develop initiative for it and understand our current condition.

Same guy also did admit that voting no longer works, the EU was a mistake and it's grim how all our state systems have been privatized and are now in the hands of corpotations like Microsoft.

Now, I don't even know where to start with this one. He very much represents his part of the population here and the deep apathy and negative thought that they harbor.

He still understands and thinks that the regulated capitalism of the 70-80s here (keynesian) was the best part of our history, but when I told him that it still was always going to lead to fascism and monopolies (told him to read Marx) he ignored this. Very much the "it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism" mindset.

And my question is, how do we as communists reach these people? These people actually have power (capital), but the petty bourge status has made them like this. However climate chance does not discriminate so I feel this part of society is facing a new conflict from a historical standpoint where nature says no to exploitation. And this seems to lead to apathy.


Demonstration againts our right wing government where I live today and the organizers specifically stated that symbols related to the USSR and "other symbols of authoritarian communism" are not welcome.

So, stayed home.

Not sure if I should have gone anyway, but it just all feels so performative. They had pretty much copied the reactionary fascist statement againts the symbols of communism in their social media post.

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