Small battery hints at smaller price, hope that's the case. Also recharging time is oddly huge.
People still dream about battery (or any other) storage as some magic solution. They simply don't understand the amount of energy that has to be stored to make it really renewables only. We'll get there eventually, but it will take a lot of time and resources. And we don't have time.
Supposedly burn in should be mitigated with newer displays, but I'd be sceptical as well.
I certainly hope that they improve, and become a serious competition, however, we saw that AMD is kinda stuck behind NVidia and Intel is anything but guaranteed to succeed, specially by seeing their power hungry CPU downfall.
You should compare it to a model that's in the same range, not those monsters.
If I understand correctly, these cards are less energy efficient than at least nVidia's. Which makes me sad that nobody takes this into the account - both environmentally and price wise.
And post this on... wait for it ... X.
Ha, seems some others offer data for free 😵💫
That makes sense. Albeit we are afraid of Chinese vehicles and any electronics because of that. Plus you don't realy know when data from others ends up. But yes, Musk is indeed an additional factor in ease of data abuse.
Why the downvotes? Lemmy is weird.
The sheer amount of slaves in China is impressive - they basically create everything over there it seems.
Yep, combine it with really resistant glasses to achieve even better trap.