
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 hours ago

The time saved could be measured in hours per month.

Huh? I have two bikes I ride all year round – snow, rain, sun, on and off-road. Both of them pretty well maintained, if I say so myself. I've ridden over 5.5k km this year, and I think I've spent less than an hour total on cleaning and lubing my chains.

Make like easy and get Silca’s chain stripper, and it’s a 10 minute, one-step process.

10 minutes to degrease your chain with some fancy (and expensive, I presume) stripper? Damn, nobody's got time and money for that. You can do that in less than two minutes of work, including taking the chain off and putting in back. Just put your dirty chain in a small plastic bottle with some gasoline and shake it well for a minute. After that, run it through a piece of cloth and hang outside to dry. Done.

Honestly, wax is easier, cleaner, and takes less time to maintain vs wet lube.

Yeah, sure. Not having to cook my chains every 1k km takes sooo much time xD


Opis trasy rowerowej wzdłuż brzegów Noteci.


W tym wpisie opowiadam o tym jak wybierałem nowe opony dla swojego gravela, na co się zdecydowałem i czy jestem zadowolony z wyboru.


After traveling 4,500 miles, I have spent less than $5 on electricity. Five dollars! That’s less than a cost of a mocha latte something at Starbucks. That is astounding. That’s less than the cost of two gallons of gas. It means that on days I bike the 10 miles to and from work, I’m spending less than one cent on electricity to get there. And about half the time, I’m carting a bike cargo trailer behind me (often full of groceries) which means it’s a heavier load for the bike to carry.


Robiony w Polsce serwis Squadrats dostarcza motywacji do rowerowania po miejscach, których wcześniej nie odwiedzaliście.