Hard to not be the best mars helicopter when you are the only one.
More in the vein of orphan crushing machine, but less about capitalism and more about bigotry.
Send letters instead, those don't land in the spam filter so easily.
Ich habe heute erst eine Stellenausschreibung gesehen, die einfach nur die maskuline Form (ohne das m/w/d) verwendet haben. Heißt das, dass ich die technisch gesehen verklagen könnte?
Irgendwie lustig, dass der Nazishop laut Ausschreibung anscheinend keine Probleme mit nichtbimären Menschen hat.
FwB is a friend with benefits, usually of a sexual nature, and FFM means either Frankfurt am Main or a threesome with two female and one male participant.
Du weißt schon, dass du dich hier nicht auf Reddit befindest, oder?
I am a grumpy young sod who hates change!
Why would it be safe? Playing games requires active attention which is a thing you can't spare while driving.
Probably doesn't help that there are many people that write it as "puss" for some reason.
How is it whataboutism if the US bans importing goods made with slave labour if they themselves make use of it? That is just hypocriticism on the US' side.
But the CCP is farther away from your typical European than their own government and more local car companies.
I would rather someone with less direct influence over me have data on me if I had to choose.