
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Let's just say I have been following the case for a while and have some context that is missing on the article. She "filed a petition for release", on the same way you file for a fishing license if you write "help me" on every field and mailing it over to the overseeing body.

As per the same article

The one-page petition doesn’t include any arguments for Geyser’s release. Instead, it cites state laws that require Bohren within 20 days to appoint at least one expert to examine her and produce a report within 30 days of being appointed. The petition also requests the judge schedule a hearing, noting that state law requires him to hold one within 30 days of receiving the examiner’s report. Bohren set the hearing for Nov. 1.

Schizophrenics with enough understanding of their condition can be released to the society, provided they keep getting help. Picture yourself a believer in a god, and if said deity appeared to you, beyond any shade of a doubt and commanded you to kill one person to save the world, Would you do it?

Schizophrenia not only gives you delusions, it also influences you to believe they are real, and many people afflicted by such condition have gotten better through treatment and medication.

I might be reading the article with kinder, hopeful eyes, because I have worked with people suffering from that condition for a very long time, but to me, it looks like she is now, aware of what she did and reaching out for help.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Mad respect for an insane person, who might have struggled with undiagnosed schizophrenia, committed an atrocious act, and is using her chance at an early release to, instead of requesting one, seek a proper diagnosis and medical help, NOT an early release.

Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slender_Man_stabbing

You can read up on her mental state, history with schizophrenia, hallucinations and psychosis. I maintain what I said, poor girl, she was failed by the medical system.

Her victim was an innocent girl, who did not deserve what happened to her, and it is too late to save her, but no reason to deny help to another one clearly needing it.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Mad respect for her. Either she is aware that she is unwell, and wants to receive proper treatment and atone for what she did, or she wants to garner support. But with zero context other than knowing what it is like, not being able to trust your own mind, I solemnity hope it is the first one, and hope she gets the help she deserves.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Funny how you jump into assumptions and justifications for her without knowing a thing about her other than her gender and the signpost she has, yet wag your finger at another victim for having a reaction to a message invalidating a ton of rape victims, and also lumping them in the same group as their abuser, as if it was an inherent, genderlocked flaw.

If you don't see that as a double standard, then you should really read my last paragraph again and reevaluate your biases.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Interesting, how you claim people are brigading you, when your downvotes are just a natural reaction of the disgusting slop you are spewing.

Oh, and claiming others are doing what you are doing, and that you are the victim, Are you Trump?


[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You're either trolling, or too far gone. I am saying "It is not always a man", and I would never keep representation away from someone just for being a minority, or associate with people who behave like that.

And honestly, I find it appalling, that you jump to assume people claiming to have been raped here are most likely lying, and wonder if you would say that to a woman who claims to have been raped.

And if for you, that hinges on gender alone, you would have to be either extremely thick, or simply arguing in bad faith to ignore how sexist that is.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

For an exercise, check out other articles posted about Gisele's case, and look for comments about male victims. Most people just post in support of her, or in hatred of her abusers.

The reason why this conversation exploded on the topic was the picture chosen for it. It is meant to be divisive, drive engagement and thus, ad revenue.

We're all being farmed for engagement, which takes away from what is important, seeking justice without looking at genders.

That picture is very triggering to the many, many victims of rape with female perpetrators, especially if the victims are male, hence the outrage.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I am not engaging with you, or calling you "my dear", unless that is your sock puppet. Plus, you are being farmed for engagement.

Stop harassing me.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Not official but very autistic code, Anya from BTVS, and Hank Hill, from KOTH. Hank reminds me of my dad, a lot. Stuck in his old ways but trying to learn and grow for the good of his kid.

Anya is just good fun.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You're just trying to create drama, anybody not braindead can see that what was done to her was beyond atrocious and that she is a hero. Yet the publisher of that article deliberately chose a picture that divisive to generate engagement, get clicks and thus, get paid.

I have been very vocal about this case since the start, because what was done to her was an absolute atrocity, and Gisele literally waived her right to anonimity in order to raise awareness about it. She is a hero, he is a monster, and that is what we should all be focusing on, yet whoever published this article, simply decided to fling mud.

We're all being manipulated, my dear.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

So would I, and I also wish nobody did meth. A lot of dangerous things have been normalized by many people, to the point where they get so used to them, that they seem normal and relatively harmless to them, only because their "normal" is so fucking far from the socially acceptable normal.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Fucking finally. It is a well known bias in academia, which is sadly, very difficult to prove without studies like this one.


I want some help, according to what I did, this sauce seems to work but, from what I read, it seems like it shouldn't and I want to understand why it worked so I can duplicate the process.

I made some spicy chicken and fried it, recipe included sliced chichen breasts, seasonings and mayo, to keep it from drying out. Then when cooked, tossed them in a pot, added more mayo, flour, a bit of Red Oil, and milk.

Added some LKK chilli sauce, ginger, scallions and stirred. That chicken tasted glorious, but according to what I read, it should be curdling, not creamy.

In your opinion, Would this work or just be an abomination?


Does anyone know what this one is about?


She is very ill, and might not make it through the night, so I thought a picture of her on a happy day would cheer me up, and perhaps others.

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