Why not? Having two paycheck going into one place seems like it would make things easier, since you’d only have to deal with one set of accounts. And if something happens to your SO, you already have access to the finances and don’t have to worry about getting access while dealing with whatever happened
joined 7 months ago
Have you ever used the purchase protection from Amex specifically? Cause a lot of places tend to have decent return policies. Do you often use the Amex in a situation where you would actually need their specific protections? If you’re worried about fraud, a lot of cards have good protection from fraudulent charges. I’ve had three different instances of fraudulent charges on various cards and have always been able to get the card company to handle it, and it has always turned out ok for me. Obviously, that can’t always be the case, but in my experience, it is not necessary to pay for a card for the added protections.
Personally, I have three cards. One stays on the drawer and is from a specific company and only used for a monthly charge from that company to get a discount and is setup for auto pay. I carry two cards with one being my main and the second is there in case there are issues with my main for some reason.