Go for it.
That's silly talk. I say we deny their citizens all American benefits instead. VA, SS, Medicare, all of it. Only if they seceed.
Yeah, prison rape shouldn't exist.
Impossible for a non-Islamic state to invade Saudi Arabia. There would be a profound religious war. The crown's whole legitimacy comes from them protecting Mecca.
Ice, salt, snowbanks narrowing the road surface. I haven't seen a bicycle in months and I understand why.
Right. If there's a criminal, ask them to come out.
Kinda sounds like daesh philosophy.
We can simply stop putting it in food if there's a hint it's bad. It's so simple, bit somebody would lose a few bucks.
The "law and order" crowd, everybody.
However he seems to have started believing his own schtick that he's a special golden boy whose farts smell of roses, and here we are now.
Yeah, that's the problem. Honestly, a lot of people would do this. That's why corporations are supposed to have checks and balances.
That could take years! That's unacceptable.