
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

Drink a second one for me friend

At this rate it won't even be sweater weather for me until October 😭

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Straight up it was almost 100°F for the later half of this week where I'm at and today is supposed to kiss 90°F today

I'm in the PNW, it's freaking September. I should be putting my AC away not choking on smoke while my AC blows for 20 hours of the day

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Honestly the onboarding for a lot of alternatives to various to popular platforms/apps (Matrix, Mastodon, etc) seems to be the biggest impediment to more adoption of those platforms and apps.

By onboarding here I mean the communities that use those platforms recruiting others to join them and help build communities up.

Like goddamn if that users comment was the first time I'd heard of Matrix it would have turned me away for sure.

Not to mention Mastodon having a reputation that proceeds it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 hours ago

Literally I've only ever seen 1 as litter in my neck of the woods and it was totalled when I found it

It's been years since those things were normalized how have I only seen 1‽

I mean good job folks but damn

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 hours ago

So many people seem to think big victories pop up out of nothing

[–] [email protected] 90 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

It was a matter of time honestly

Alot more dangerous [Rule] (blogger.googleusercontent.com)

Begin image description

A giant bear like creature (known as an alot) stands roaring next to a small baby. Text is above the alot that says, "Alot more dangerous" and text under the baby says, "...baby less dangerous." All this is imposed on a yellow background.

End image description

Context and source

[–] [email protected] 3 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Personally I don't much for the LLM stuff, I'm more curious how they perform in Blender.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I wish you the best of luck, it took me years to get the right diagnosis and then about 7 months to get the appointment with a doc to prescribe me some meds.

Hopefully your journey is smoother than mine was.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Before I was diagnosed?

Poorly, very poorly lol

It literally felt like I was try to fill a bucket with sand and the only shovel I had was a sieve.

I'd literally have to wake up 5-6 hours before I had to be anywhere just to make sure I could finish my breakfast and coffee before leaving. And then I'd still more often than not finish eating or drinking my coffee in the car on the way.

I feel you on the "Having to stop a med because of the side effects," before I was diagnosed with ADHD I was diagnosed with anxiety and I tried about a dozen different meds for it ovwr the years before calling that off and just going unmedicated. Funnily enough after my ADHD diagnosis and getting on the meds I am now (Straterra) I've only had 1 panic attack in the last year vs one a week or so. And I'm able to start and finish tasks. It's fucking witchcraft.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm not seeing any recent activity mod activity towards me, and the comments still seem to be there from my alts.

It's odd that it looks deleted for you


NGL I'm super excited for the games and the hype photos

I've got more shots to take for the different factions I've been printing but I'm quickly getting through them that's for sure

Edit: Quickly getting through the printing, not the hype shots. I've only gotten 2 hype shots done so far: 1 for the War Daemons and 1 for the Dwarfs.


I've been printing a lot of minis lately and NGL one of my favorite parts about doing so is doing little photoshoots with my weird lenses and some weird editing.


I've been printing a lot of minis for some tabletop wargaming lately and one of my favorite parts about it is doing little photoshoots of them with my odd lenses.

Everything. (i.imgflip.com)
Kamala [Rule] (files.catbox.moe)

Was scrolling through the Discord group my friends and I have for shit posts and I had to share this.

She's definitely getting my vote this election, there's no way I'd vote for the naked mole rat.


Probably not a problem for everyone but it was a problem I was running into where my meds weren't being as effective towards the bottom of the bottle and then would work great after a refill.

My meds are supposed to be stored between 67F and 77F and my apartment has been routinely getting to around 85F for days (and weeks) at a time and by the time I was getting close to the bottom of the bottle it wasn't really working that well for me.

So I took one of those can fridges and added some temperature control to it to automatically keep it in the temperature range I need and also added a large bag of dessicant in there to keep the humidity low as those little can fridges suck up moisture something fierce.

So basically make sure your meds are stored properly or you'll probably have some additional issues that you really don't need.


This was right by my apartment a few years ago and has been living rent free in my head ever since.

If anyone wants a vertical 16x9 version Here's a link

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