
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 30 minutes ago

I would suggest we give him the 3,000 acres of Lana'i he doesn't own, so the entire island belongs to him, then strand him there forever.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 54 minutes ago

I have been hating this man's guts since the mid 90's and somehow it never lets off. Most hateful people manage to become a little bit more likeable as they age. Even this disgusting piece of human refuse Bill Gates might pass for a somewhat okay human being if you wilfully overlook why he truly does philanthropy.

But Larry Elison? Hell no. He never changes. he's just consistently the worst year after year, decade after decade.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (6 children)

Google "might let me" do something...

If that doesn't summarize everything that's wrong with this fucking monopolist, that controls YOUR device that you paid with YOUR money but ultimately isn't yours to do as you please, I don't know what does.

The only thing that makes Google a bit tolerable in the mobile space is Apple, because Apple is even worse. At least you can (still) sideload stuff in Android - although Google is about to make that impossible very soon too.

Fuck the monopolists.

submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you need to run commands as root regularly with Rofi, you may find this useful.

So let's say you want to run usb-creator-gtk to create a bootable USB stick. You have write access to the USB stick's block device but it's not enough: you need to become root.

You can of course open a terminal and run sudo usb-creator-gtk. But it's kind of tedious if you need to do that more than once.

If you want to permanently run that command as root, do this:

  • sudo visudo to edit the /etc/sudoers file.
  • Add the line yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk
  • Confirm that you can now run the command as root without being asked your password: sudo usb-creator-gtk should pop the USB Creator window rightaway.
  • Create a desktop entry in your home directory that will override the system-wide one: cp /usr/share/applications/usb-creator-gtk.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

That way, when Rofi looks for available applications in drun mode, it will find your local usb-creator-gtk.desktop file before the system-wide file of the same name and will use the local one and ignore the system-wide one.

If you'd like Rofi to list both, rename the one in your local directory to a different name from the system-wide one.

  • Edit ~/.local/share/applications/usb-creator-gtk.desktop:
    • Modify Exec=usb-creator-gtk to Exec=sudo usb-creator-gtk.
    • Modify Name=Startup Disk Creator to Name=Startup Disk Creator (sudo), so you know Rofi picks your local desktop file over the system-wide one, or you can tell the sudo version apart from the normal version if you want to keep both listed.

And that's it!

Start Rofi, type "startup" and the autocompletion should list "Startup Disk Creator (sudo)" - and of course, selecting it should pop the window rightaway.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 12 hours ago

That's a great app. I didn't know that one. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

What really boggles the mind is how anybody listens to Trump's crazy BS and decides to do something about it rather than shake their head in disbelief and reach for another beer.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Runbox, a privacy-focused email provider out of Norway. Our family has been using it for many years with zero issues. The prices are very decent.


My preference is Diodon - especially with the Add images to clipboard history option enabled. And if you enable the Application Indicator plugin, it lhappily stays as an icon in your system tray.

The perfect clipboard for i3.


I use Remmina all the time to access remote computers through RDP and VNC. But it's annoying in i3 to open the main window, select a profile, then close the main window to leave just the remote session window.

Remmina does have a command line option to dock into the system tray using appindicator (the -i option, i.e. "start as a tray icon") and right-clicking the icon does provide a quick access to saved profiles.

However, there's a problem with it: when the last window closes, Remmina exits instead of staying docked in the systray- Unfortunately, the Remmina folks won't fix it - and in fact plan of killing the systray icon altogether.

There's always the possibility of making a small shell script that restarts Remmina each time it closes. The problem with that approach is, it a Remmina process doesn't terminate cleanly and stays in the background for some reason (it happens, especially if i3 is closed unexpectedly) then you have to open a terminal and kill the rogue remmina process, which is kind of a pain. Not to mention, if / when Remmina stops providing a systray icon, it'll stop working.

So instead, since I use Rofi as a launcher in i3 - like most everybody I believe - and Rofi supports custom scripts, I made a small script to parse saved Remmina profiles and add them to Rofi as a special mode, to provide quick access to them.

As a bonus, when you're not using Remmina, it's not running and eating up memory for nothing.

You can find it here, along with instructions to install it:


Kind of trivial, but I figured I'd share it in case someone else finds it useful.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago

If those Russian teens wanted to make a ton of money blowing shit up, all they had to do was enlist in the military.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago

There is a difference though: if Puttin declares Russia at war with NATO countries, it's only one word away from nuclear war. And if you think crazy Ivan isn't crazy enough, wait until his conventional weapons supplies and troops are stretch to too thin...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

It's a problem if you need a fucking banking app for example, and the bank won't let you sideload it and you're running a deGoogled OS. Then you suddenly need a backup phone with the full surveillance Android just to do banking.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Ecocide implies a criminal, and the ecocidal criminals in this case are rich countries that pretty much wipe their ass with the Rome Statute.

So good luck with that.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'm not talking about the poor: as you say, they're tired and the assaults of ultra-capitalism are relentless.

I'm talking about the middle class which, in the eyes of the ultra-rich, is just as insignificant as the ultra-poor, and is really only a few paychecks away from the same fate.

Middle class people happily ignores the fate of their fellow man in the street, bow their head and say nothing, believing if they don't make too much fuss, the ultra-rich will maintain the status quo and they won't do too badly.

That's us. WE should pick up the pitchfork. We have the energy and we have a good reason, because really, we're just slightly better than the poor and we pay a lot more taxes than the ultra-billionnaire sumbitches. But we don't.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 days ago (2 children)

And poor people still die homeless in the street.

You'd think pitchforks would sell well. But apathy seems incurable, as people appear to have internalized staggering levels of inequality as a fact of normal life.


Here are a few bindings in my i3 config file that I find super useful (bear in mind that I use a Kensington Expert Mouse and Button8 is a suitably unusual but still easily clicked button on that trackball, so you may want to change it to something more suitable to your preferred pointing device):

# Clicking the title bar with the upper-right button closes the window (regular default binding, just different button)
bindsym --release button8 kill

# Scrolling over any window title bar controls the volume
bindsym button4 exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $refresh_i3bar
bindsym button5 exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && $refresh_i3bar


bar {


        # Clicking the empty space in the bottom bar with the upper-right button opens the launcher
        bindsym button8 exec "rofi -modi drun,run -show drun"

        # Scrolling over the empty space in the bottom bar controls the volume
        bindsym button4 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $refresh_i3bar
        bindsym button5 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && $refresh_i3bar

I find those bindings useful because unless a window is open fullscreen - which I rarely do personally - then there's always a window title bar at the top and the bar at the bottom.

As a result, when I quickly want to lower the volume - when the missus yells at me in the middle of the night for example 🙂 - I can slam the trackball up or down and quickly scroll the volume down.

Similarly, I can move the pointer all the way down and open the launcher with my unusual trackball button, and move all the way back up and close a window by clicking on the appropriate title bar with the same button, so that I don't really have to hit the keyboard most of the time for opening and closing simple stuff.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share.


Apparently I installed that thing in 2006 and I last updated it in 2016, then I quit updating it for some reason that I totally forgot. Probably laziness...

It's been running for quite some time and we kind of forgot about it in the closet, until the SSH tunnel we use to get our mail outside our home stopped working because modern openssh clients refuse to use the antiquated key cipher I setup client machines with way back when any longer.

I just generated new keys with a more modern cipher that it understands (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256) and left it running. Because why not 🙂


I still use the old - and last - official Linux .deb package for Teams and sure enough, it doesn't behave properly in i3: Teams starts and shows up in the systray but the window is fullscreen and won't close. I have to keep a workspace around just for Teams.

I suspect Electron of course. Electron doesn't integrate well with any Linux desktop environment. Just wondering if someone knows if there's a trick to make it close in i3.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got into computers when there was no GUI.

Then years later I got a Win95 PC and I found the Windows GUI pretty good - although the rest of the OS was not. My personal Linux PC running Slackware 96 came with FVWM95 wich was a good approximation. So I switched to that.

That was just for graphical utilities of course - of which there weren't very many. I spent the rest of my time in the Linux console or in xterm using screen for convenience.

Fast-forward to today: I still do that. I still like the Win95 UI paradigm, so I run Mint / Cinnamon. But most of what I do with it is open a Gnome terminal, blow it up and start tmux - like screen but better.

And, ya know, for almost 3 decades, whether it's Mint or anything else I used, that's pretty much what I've been doing: running screen in a terminal in a Win95-like GUI. And it works fine for me.

I recently ordered a laptop that comes with Debian / Wayland and the Sway window manager installed by default. I learned a long time ago that it's often better to go with whatever is installed by default than try to reinstall everything and fight a system that wasn't designed for it.

The laptop will take a few weeks to get here. So to prepare for when it lands on my porch, I decided to get into Sway on my current machine, to get used to it. I figured even if I don't like it, at least that way I'll be comfortable with it, and I'll know whether it's acceptable as it is or whether I should spend the time installing something more Win95-like.

But my current machine doesn't run Wayland, just plain Xorg. 2 minutes of searching revealed that Sway is in fact i3wm for Wayland.

Great! I promptly installed i3 on my Linux Mint box, switch to it, fucked around with the config file for a few hours and... I love it! That's pretty much exactly what I do with Cinnamon anyway but quicker!

And just like that, I switch to i3. I felt right at home with it from the get-go. The whole Win95-like UI was just a familiarity: in fact, what I've always wanted was a tiling window manager.

And yes, I did spend a few hours - almost half a day really - configuring the thing exactly how I like. But if I'm honest, I probably spent just as much time with Cinnamon way back when I switched to that too. So it's no different really.

So the takeaway here is: even if you have decades-old die-hard habits and you don't want to change, you should expose yourself to change every once in a while: you might just get surprised 🙂

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm about to step into the wonderful world of ARM Linux. I work with ARM32 as an embedded developer profesionally (Cortex-M3 specifically) so I'm not a complete newbie. But I've never used ARM64, and I've never used it with a desktop OS. So I'm doing my research, as one does, to know roughly what I'll be dealing with.

I have a few questions regarding backward compatibility and architecture-naming. Maybe you specialists out there could shed some light.

From what I could find, I understand the following:

  • arm64 and aarch64 are the same thing: the former is what Linus likes to say while the latter is what ARM calls their own stuff.
  • arm64 / aarch64 really mean "compatible with ARMv8" as a least common denominator, meaning ARMv8.x-y (x being the extension, y being A for application or R for realtime) will run it, just without taking advantage of any extension or realtime instructions.
  • ARMv9.x will run arm64 / aarch64 kernels and applications, as it's (supposedly) backward-compatible with ARMv8, just without taking advantage of the ARMv9 ISA.
  • If I want to create arm64 software that takes advantage of this-or-that extension or realtime instructions, I have to compile it in explicitely. I'm not sure if gcc handles special instructions, I haven't checked yet, but I suppose it does since it knows about the Thumb mode for instance.

Do I understand correctly?

If I do create some software that relies on extended ARMv8 or ARMv9 features and I want to release my software as a package, how should I name the package's architecture? Is there even a standard for that? Will it get rejected by the package managers of the few ARM distros out there, or will it be recognized as a subset of the wider arm64 / aarch64 architecture?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

You might recall that I was considering a MNT Reform laptop to replace my crappy HP laptop a few months ago.

Well, I got no answer or information of any kind anywhere (not just here on Lemmy), but the idea kept going round and round in the back of my head. And now, 5 months later, I find myself having to upgrade Mint to Wilma on my hateful HP laptop soon, and I already dread rebooting to the console because Xorg is dead again, having to downgrade to a working version of the kernel again, fighting the AMDGPU driver again, making the super-flaky and completely terrible wifi-cum-bluetooth Realtek 8821CE adapter work halfway decently again...

I hate this laptop. In fact, I hate it so much that I finally pulled the trigger on the MNT Reform laptop. Hopefully it'll get here before the need to upgrade becomes too pressing.

Stay tuned 🙂


Hey everybody,

After a few months without using FreeCAD (but keeping up with the daily updates) I need to model a quick something today.

And I realize there seems to be a new feature in the 0.22.0-dev version that prevents me from orbiting around the model when I'm in the sketcher:

I use OpenSCAD-style 3D navigation, which means I left-click to rotate the model. In the sketcher, left-clicking is used to do a rectangular lasso selection, and that prevents me from orbiting around the model. I tried with shift, ctrl, alt and all combinations thereof, but there seems to be no way to disable that selection feature.

Fortunately I also use a 3DConnexion Spacemouse, so I'm not completely stuck, but it's kind of annoying to have to use that thing when I'd rather not move my hand away from the keyboard.

Anybody knows how to disable the lasso thing?


Before I go see another doctor about this...

One of my residual phalanges has developed a small bone spur over the years, and another is too long - always has been - and hurts my skin from the inside.

I need to have the bone spur taken care of at some point, and I'd like to have the other residual phalange trimmed a quarter inch or so.

One doctor I saw about this a couple of years ago proposed full surgery, complete with general anaesthesia and more stitches than I really want, and I declined at the time because it seemed like a lot for so little.

My neighbor - who has all his limbs but is at the age when this sort of thing happens - had a bone spur on his heel taken care of, and he told me it was a simple, half-hour, local anaesthesia keyhole surgery with just one stitch and a week of easy recovery.

Does anybody know if that's also an option for small residual extremities bones and whether I should shop around to find a more competent surgeon?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When I was a student a few decades ago, everybody I knew pronounced it as "vee-eye". Then in the late nineties / early aughts, I heard the first people pronounced it as "vie" in a different city I had found employment in. It sounded odd to me, and it seemed to come from people who in fact didn't use it much. But the pronounciation I was used to still applied, mostly.

Nowadays, I almost never talk about VI to anyone anymore, nor do I hear anyone say the name. It's become mostly a typed thing for me. But - coincidence? - this week I heard three people talk about it (younger, non VI users) and they all said "vie".

And now I'm watching this video from the reasonably famous and definitely not young and not VI newbie NCommander and he too says "vie" in the video.

I'm beginning to worry that I'm the one who's been saying it wrong all this time because of my misguided college buddies and teachers way back when 🙂

So I'm curious: how do YOU say it? VEE-EYE or VIE?

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