
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

I recall one of those 'this group meets that group' shows where they got Palestinians to meet Israelis; one of the Palestinian women mentioned that her husband had been in jail as a terrorist when he was a kid because he threw a stone, and one of the Israelis who served in the IDF actually said that yeah that's terrorism and he deserved it.

It's not just hypocrisy, they actually believe this.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

I like Stellaris but I really can't be bothered to play it; I keep fighting to stay ahead in research but always neglect my military. Also years of playing 'last man standing' type games means I disregard the diplomacy aspect, and relations between factions is a big factor in the game.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

In between turns? That's just turn 1!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

I remember telling a guy I know while he was playing warhammer 'oh that's like chess or something right?'

He was not a happy camper.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

I mean I'd rather be a trillionaire but let's at least keep it in the realm of like video games.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

You've got Angband! A person of refined taste I see!

[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago

If I was being generous I'd say this guy is trying to stack the deck in favor of Palestine (an easy thing to do honestly), but realistically it's just for views.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 7 months ago (1 children)

You joke but I've literally seen people point to Haiti today and say the Haitians had it better under the French.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Something that happened to me but wasn't spooky:

I was having lunch while watching a horror movie, and so I had the lights off for maximum effect. Lunch this day? KFC. So I'm munching on some fries when I get to something very bizarrely chewy and definitely not a fry, nor is it chicken. I switch on the lights and take a look and it's....a heavily chewed up green and white thing thing. I have zero idea what I was chewing because I chewed it up too much. I can't even remember what it tasted like, I primarily spit it up because of its texture.

That wasn't pleasant; didn't stop me eating from KFC though.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

You mean watch while they hang themselves with their own ~~Vines~~ TikToks?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago

Um....literally the biggest fans of debatebros just flat out become mass shooters; they lack the debate skills of their role models (that being obfuscation, tangents and nonsequiturs) and knowing they're too stupid to have anything smart to say just murder the people they don't like.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago (1 children)

he's going to make them read 1984 and Animal Farm

The people who talk the most about these books haven't read them either, why are people like this


I don't like rust.

I don't like building a full building inch by inch. I don't like having to worry about eating too. I can't speak to Palworld, but I don't like rust's empty world, devoid of NPC's short of playing it coop with a lib. I don't like literally every tiny thing having to be crafted, especially with it having its own little crafting subsystems like crafting firewood for fuel for a furnace which crafts materials that are used in another crafted device to craft something else. I also despise crafting and working farms.

One of the few mercies this game offers is Pals to pick up the pace.

I'm going to give it a chance but I'm already going in expecting to be disappointed.

One simple improvement would be being able to just plop down full buildings, but I don't believe that's possible at all.


I feel like the answer is yes, but thought I'd come here and ask first. It stops a ton of connections and warns me that it's worried about trojans, riskware and ransomware. I don't really know how any of this works and was concerned that maybe I ought to just let malwarebytes do its thing, but my download speeds are pretty slow (like....sometimes just a few kilobytes in speed).


A number of years ago I was working on a novel and the unified human empire in the story were quite advanced in many ways, but their views of the other species of the world was....let's say European. The human empire had colonized their continent and wiped out two fantasy civilizations in the process; I remember having a discussion on a writing forum about the human culture and their views towards the other remaining fantasy species and people told me it's unrealistic to have people be fearful or hateful of fantasy races that had never done anything to them or harmed them in any way, even more so to be genocidal towards races that had actually showed them kindness in their hard times.

I just recently saw videos on twitter of Zionists singing about eradicating Gaza and taking the land back as though they were the victims all along (they also called it Gush Katif I think?), and in another video someone saying Lebanon would be taken as well; videos of so many Zionists saying the civilians are all to blame and are at fault as much as Hamas, videos saying the murder and worse of Israeli civilians was by the civilians and not by Hamas; I am also reminded of something I saw on a Hasan Abi video where he got a (student?) of Israeli history who talked about how the early zionists in the 1880's/1890's had been taught how to farm Palestinian lands by friendly Palestinian Arabs as they themselves did not know how to work the fields (either because Palestinian lands were different to European ones, or because perhaps they weren't farmers themselves). Today you have members of the IOF literally shooting kids and taking them hostage (and Israeli prisons where Palestinians are kept are rife with SV), and you wonder how can they engage in this behavior towards other human beings.

Of course I bring up zionism because that's the most recent horrific thing we can see where people are happily singing about genocide, but doubtless this mentality existed with the colonizers who killed the indigenous populations of Canada, America and Australia in the past. You also read quotes off wikipedia of the horrors of Cuba's Batista regime, and you see stark parallels with another quote regarding the horrific treatment of enslaved people in Haiti before the revolution.

How can you write people like this without it coming off as cartoonishly evil? It seems absurd. Reminds me of a quote, something about reality being allowed to be stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense.


Wasn't sure where else to put this so I thought I'd ask here:

I was visiting a dodgy website to download a video from YouTube at 720p; malwarebytes browser guard warned me that it blocked something (a website or link something), and a different malwarebytes notification told me it stopped an outbound connection having something to do with firefox.

I also had qbitorrent running and malwarebytes has always hated my torrent applications (previously also complaining about Azureus/vuze), giving me tons of notifications about them.

Eventually though Avira warned me that it had stopped an intruder that had port scanned me and on multiple ports, something I didn't even know was a thing.

I've disabled the internet connection on my PC for now, is there any advice you guys have? I've never seen a warning like this from Avira before.


I've gotten pessimistic enough that at first I thought that said union strikers and thought I was reading comments from libertarians but on a second read saw it said union breakers.


I thought I'd come here and ask for some technical help; I got an uninterrupted power supply a few years ago and just now I saw some sparks inside the machine and can smell an odd burnt/burning smell (I saw the sparks because the machine has its back to me).

It's not showing any kind of special problems (its face has a few lights that can shine up if one of several problems are at play). I'm gonna switch it off and restart it just in case, but thought I'd come here and ask for any tips. I'd rather not try and get a new one as these are heavy and a hassle to move from a new shop to my car, and then to my room.

It's only got a load of 15% at its highest, and it's usually fully powered at 100%.


This change sounds like it's going to cause problems for some developers. As you guys know some developers have good stances, and their good stances lead to rage amongst 'Gamers'; the way Unity's change works is that per install developers pay $0.20, not per sold product, per install; even a re-install will incur that cost. What's to stop the same kinds of chuds who review bomb movies with tons of fake accounts from simply re-installing a game from such a developer a mass amount of times?

As one video put it, a game that costs almost a dollar (99 cents) loses 30% to steam, now $0.20 to Unity, and if they have a publisher then possibly a further 30% to them too. Couple that with chuds intentionally trying to hurt indie developers and it sounds like developers could end up paying for their games rather than receiving anything from it.


When I was in school and university I worked like crazy to get good grades; my family was also very disciplined on the matter, they'd forbid me use of my PC or any kind of gaming when I needed to study (they didn't care if I read novels, but that pastime quickly became less fun as games and shows became more entertaining). Sadly my grades in school were terrible, but my university grades were thankfully phenomenal (probably because most stuff was practical). My university was also heavy on homework as well, so I was studying a lot and gamed less. The structure provided by university and school made committing to studying a lot easier, but after getting a job where I didn't really need to study and don't take any work home with me, over a decade later I find myself more remorseful than ever that I didn't learn game development.

When I entered university I considered taking computer science but was scared that I couldn't make it and decided to study finance instead; the salaries for most people in computer science related careers is probably terrible, along with working conditions, but I still regret not taking it.

I'm trying to commit to studying game development but I've become extremely averse to hard work (thankfully my job is relatively stress free) and I get bored easily from studying. The further I got into game development though the more I realized that it's not some arcane, esoteric matter and is very approachable (mind you recursion, which is probably very important to learn, still makes my head spin, though I feel I would've grasped it better in my youth when subjects such as math and the logic behind it came easy to me. Also trying to really grasp and comprehend the logic of using increments that increment while something else increments to draw a 2D plane or picture is still hard for me to really understand well), the problem though is that the more I delved into it the more I realized that when I finally try to make a project, it's going to take a lot of work. It feels like getting the frame-by-frame character animations just right alone is annoying, along with making the landscapes, attaching a weapon to a gun arm in just the right location, and having to deal with sprite sheets, and....just everything ahead just looks like so much work. I'm somewhat tempted to move to 3D game development instead to cut back on some of the tedium, but I'd still like to make games similar to rogue legacy. Regardless though of which style I go with, it's all looking like hard work all the way through.

Every time I sit down to study, I feel like I'd reeaaally rather watch and eat something (yes I'm fat); it just feels so hard to overcome my aversion to hard work/study.

I'm also keenly aware that not working on it isn't making me happy and is instead making me miserable about not doing it, however knowing that hasn't helped me overcome it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I work with a lib (and yes, the 'scratch a liberal, etc' type of lib) and our discussions went some interesting places.

For one, I brought up the shelling of Donbas over the years prior to the war. Now, we've discussed the situation regarding folks of Russian background living in Ukraine, folks who'd lived there since the Soviet era and probably even before (I'm not a history buff, but I'm aware folks could easily move around the USSR the same way people can move around the states). Now the guy who likes to diminish the horrors of the US empire post-WW2 as being 'oh, you mean stuff in the past' (he's very good at making sure to set the tone in this manner by the way) now wants to talk about how the last 100 years isn't a long time period, it's not really history. He tries to explain it as 'imagine Mexicans moved in about a hundred years ago' to try and compare that with Russians living in Donbas, and like.....dude, are you about to justify ethnic cleansing? I can't remember the exact flow of the discussion but thankfully he didn't expound on that any further.

The very lib approach to language is also a favorite of his; so for example when I tell him that Russia since the start of the war has killed less than 10,000 (EDIT: civilians), rather than discuss it directly (or deny it directly) he instead asks 'so you believe they killed less than 10,000 (EDIT: civilians)?', and he does this with everything he doesn't want to directly deny.

He also makes it sound like this war continuing the way it is, is the only way it can go. I tried explaining that diplomacy would be the better option, but I'm getting the feeling that he wants Ukraine to keep the areas currently held by Russia (and that continued war for it is a good thing), and I really doubt he cares about the killings that had been going on until then.

When discussing countries like China or North Korea, I point out that the news has a history of lying when it comes to discussing the US' geopolitical rivals, and he argues that just because they lied in the past it doesn't mean they'll always lie. Additionally he likes to twist it and say that in this case we can't trust anyone because anyone can lie. This guy's only two settings are to basically either trust US news that walks in lockstep with American foreign policy or to claim that no one can be trusted (though I doubt he actually believes the latter). He won't trust the critics who don't have a history of lying us into wars, but he'll trust the ones who have.

He also supports the overthrow of Gaddafi because he says people should be allowed to choose their leaders and that Gaddafi killed/arrested opposition members. It's over ten years later and Libya was stuck in a civil war until I believe only recently. The guy says he doesn't like politicians in general, and doesn't like how corrupt politics are, but he hardly seems to oppose the US' meddling/warring in foreign countries. It's always necessary. He supports the US selling weapons to Taiwan for example, despite not recognizing Taiwan as an independent country (which sounds to me like they're basically just selling the weapons to rebels). Basically if the government decided to start a war with any number of non-Western countries, this guy would find it justified.

When I brought up that CEOs, boards of directors and such at large corporations should absolutely have their jobs taken from them and their companies run by the people who work in these places, he asks why we don't just lay off corrupt politicians. I explained that corporations will continue to influence politics regardless of which politician gets replaced and they have the money to find all the loopholes, but he keeps steering the conversation back to laying off corrupt politicians (basically it's the whole 'liberals protect capital' aspect of libs).

We talk a lot about games, movies and shows and such, but when politics comes up, the guy sounds like a government representative.

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