I don't think that Reddit is going down, but i have seen users that post regularly on Reddit closing down their accounts and joining Lemmy, this will snowball into more joining Lemmy because the quality of post will eventually go down on Reddit and go up on Lemmy, this is just speculations and have a really lose base.
I did that for over 20y but instead of 1 day it was 1 -2 weeks between new crazy idea. What solved it for me was after a GameJam i got a dopamin kick from the comments and now i have worked on that project for almost 1y to get more dopamin..
Ha en buske jag försöker döda, hoppas den torkar ihjäl innan regnet kommer..
It's open source, just fork and make your own version..
Yah, started to watch the GitHub repo just after i sent this ^^ there i a lot in the pipeline..
Just joined a few minutes ago, i used Mastadon before but didn't it like it, feels stiff (i never was a Twitter user) but this is easier to use since i have been using Reddit for a while, but i don't quite understand where i search for communities, what app do you all use?
It helped me to start making my first commercial game, i always looking for new AI tech to see how I can use it to make my games. I just need a better graphic card and i could generate 3D models with DreamFusion.
My opinion on the AI (ML) is that is lift up all the bad things, most people are focusing on what it have given the general public with the most common dataset and forget about the more specialized dataset. For example, they have an AI that can do brainscans in MRI and convert it to video, aka we can scan coma patients brains and see what they are thinking while in coma, record dreams and other cool stuff.