
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Do you... Actually think that's what the right wing wants to tear down the US to do? Because it isn't. Not even a little. They want to plunge the world into fire

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I think the issue is that this marketing consultant didn't build anything. They just prompted an LLM to generate output

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah which if that's the argument we're having... I kinda don't want to give people that dumb any influence. The fediverse symbol is not a pentagram and if the rainbow giving gay people visibility is somehow wrong, then... Fuck me I guess because I'd rather make gay people comfortable than a bunch of folks who've fallen down some manner of christofascist rabbit hole

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

The weak argument they make is this doesn't look good at small sizes. Personally I don't think that constitutes a good enough reason to rebrand the fediverse

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Microsoft is still who vetted and hired the contractor and who selected the location.

And yeah. Past CEOs of Microsoft have continued to be shitty. They're who's responsible for what's going on. I just wanted to talk about the ways white knight philanthropy doesn't help, it just perpetuates colonialism, and Bill Gates+Microsoft have always been in lock step in this regard.

The point is the true villain here is colonialism

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

So construction waste is a subcategory of industrial waste. Typical industrial waste includes toxic materials like excess cement, fiberglass, bits of plastic from wires and cables. But once the data center is in place, most likely the waste will be e-waste in nature. Think heavy metals, copper, and yet more plastic. And the thing is... This is why they're putting this data center here. Disposing of this toxic waste will be cheaper because it's less regulated. The long term cost of high tech industries like this to neo-colonialized communities like this is the communities themselves. It doesn't matter to Microsoft they're making the water undrinkable. They don't have to live there.

And realize, too. Bill Gates' philanthropic missions aren't accidents. He may not run the show at Microsoft anymore but he still benefits greatly from their business. His philanthropic efforts aren't about making the lives of people who are exploited better. They're about maintaining that cheap form of labor just a little bit longer. And that may not be Bill Gates' actual intention, but the fact of the matter is he's a billionaire. He could make much larger changes in the world by not being a billionaire. He has power and influence to do things the rest of us can't, but instead of treating the illness he treats the symptoms. His actions sustain the system he benefits from

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yup. A lot of people don't vote because they don't feel heard. Well. We have a major opportunity right now with how unpopular Donald Trump is and his violent his band of weirdos are about to get. We can get in president Harris and then make ourselves heard as we stand against the violent weirdos. We can say "we the people of the united states of america don't stand for this nonsense. We don't stand for violence being what decides everything. We will resist violence with violence if we must, but we will not allow ourselves to rule with or be ruled by it. If we are going to continue living on this earth we must dismantle the global system of torture we live under and for good. The people of Palestine need to be free. The people of Africa can't constantly be at civil war for what's left of the resources we stole from them. And the Russian Federation cannot continue to be allowed to interfere in elections across the globe"

Harris has made it clear she is willing to court us, willing to be seen listening to us, but she is not willing to like us or be of us. That's fine. Joe Biden has called himself a transition president. Perhaps Kamala will be, too. We just have to show that this matters to us, and that there's too many of us to stop the movement.

I said in another comment that I see Harris as riding a wave of optimism, not as driving it. Well? We are that wave! It would be irresponsible for us to let her ride that wave into the white house without benefit to who's doing it. We must demand what we deserve from all this:

  • Food
  • Housing
  • Fair pay
  • Leisure time
  • Clean water
  • Healthcare
  • For our comforts not to come at the cost of torture with the only benefit going to the uber wealthy
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Better question. What value does Google occupying 3GB of ram on my phone offer me? What other resources is it hogging on the phone that could cause potential bottlenecks? How much will these 3gb of bloat drain my battery? Are my user land ram safe from future Gemini updates, or is google going to take even more of my RAM?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

I've known a few small business owners who have done stuff like this after adults complained there was nowhere to lock up their adult bike because a kid bike was occupying the space. Basically the small business owners' responses were "you're in shape. There's a large rack around the corner. Your bike is important to you, but that kids bike is their entire world right now. You can shut the hell up and walk"

And then put up signs like this or that just say "kid bike lock up only."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Personally I think Harris is riding a wave of the uprising of hope. She is not driving it, but she has managed to tap into it and to give people who believe in the power of breaking free of pessimism a candidate who at least plays lip service to hopefulness even if here core values remain the typical doom and gloom. In many ways she's an updated version of Barrack Obama: aware of social issues and willing to engage with them, ultimately a neoliberal conservative. Unfortunately, this year, this is the best we're gonna get so a lot of people involved in the uprising of hope are going to, and should, vote for her. Its just we need to keep this all going. We need to vote in local elections for candidates who will give us superior voting systems to first past the pole, and we need to continue demonstrating in the streets for the decolonization of earth. Kamala wants us to shut up, and the democrats want to tell us the DNC isn't the right time to protest for the end of genocide. We need to show them they can't shut us down that easy. But we also need to avoid a Donald Trump presidency at all costs. So keep telling Kamala she's wrong about Israel. But also do vote for her. But then also make her presidency difficult without recognizing that sending F-35s to Israel is a subversion of the will of the people

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Only reason I unblocked them was in case I needed to refute their claims anywhere. Suffice to say though, for anyone reading this, a good rule of thumb is if Possibly Linux says it, decent chance its untrue

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Sure yeah. I think corpos suck, too. That's why I don't prefer 1password. But Firefox puts their passwords into a file, too (two actually). Key3.db and Logins.json, both with known locations, and encrypted using AES-256-GCM which is... Decent but I prefer to go a little more hardened. The thing with keepass is the following:

  1. Its open source, no corpo
  2. The file encryption you select can be as hardened as you want
  3. No one but you need know the location of your file
  4. It offers 2fa which Firefox password manager doesn't
  5. Firefox password manager is more susceptible to social engineering attacks is mainly what I was worried about but it seems like you've got a good handle on it.
  6. You don't have to integrate keepass with the browser to use it

But I want to make it abundantly clear. @[email protected] has not recommended storing your passwords in a file. They have suggested storing your passwords in a mechanism that can be as secure as your hardware is capable of securing and keeping the location of that up to your own decision making.

But also. Promise me this. If you're going to keep using Firefox as your password manager:

  1. Don't use sync. That's run by Firefox's corporate arm, Mozilla PBC
  2. Use a primary password of at least 32 characters
  3. Consider rotating your password on a regular interval, like on your birthday

I dunno. I just feel less like I'm experiencing a fun new tool for communication the last few weeks. The communities here on Beehaw are still great and fantastic and aren't what I'm bothered by. It's just when I venture out in the world (which I often do) that I notice conversations are much more argumentative than I remember them being.

How's everyone else doing? Is this a minor vibez check?


(I mostly need this link for work tomorrow, but I thought maybe some folks here would be interested)


Jon Bois' and Alex Rubenstein's documentary about the Minnesota Vikings continues. Will Bud Grant win a Super Bowl this episode? Will someone freeze to death? Who will perform a feat of humanity so impressive that we will become lifelong fans, not for their exploits on the football field, but for their acts of humanity outside the world of sport? Tune in to find out!


The Hacker News and take on NeoVim is frequently that NeoVim has done tremendous harm to the overall Vim community and that the NeoVim developers aren't respectful to Beam. Having been involved in both commubitues, I have never been able to track where that idea came from. Vim has accelerated in features drastically since 2013 and the NeoVim team often goes out of their way to speak well of Bram.

JustinMK, the main organizer these days of NeoVim has pinned this issue to increase its visibility. I'm not really fully certain what should be the most fitting tribute, but its hard to express how much impact Bram has in the world of software development through his flexible improvement to a text editor from 1975. He's also been an excellent benevolent dictator for life over the Vim community throughout its existence and it feels like the world of open source software got just a little bit worse for his loss this week.


Specifically in the making of Synergy Kombucha, the company intimidates workers with threats of violence, does not pay living wages, and does not pay overtime


This is a very interesting article about the long-term sustainability of the Fediverse for moderators, administrators, and developers. We've already had two of our lovely Beehaw admins take breaks to take care of themselves as they experience the burnout associated with maintaining a community, and I think for a lot of use we already know how exhausting it can be to take a center stage position in an online community.

Unfortunately, I don't have any great starting points for what to do, but at least talking about it is a start.


The title I have assigned this article is intentionally boring. The article's body goes out of its way to not provide simple summaries, silver bullets, or otherwise give a single size fits all answer to everything. The author actually gave it a fun title that, I felt, did a slight disservice to their overall point, but hey, we all make our own decisions.

I thought there was some interesting stuff in there about the Fediverse at large, even if that wasn't expressly what the author was getting at.


I just went for my run. And wanted to talk about it with some of my new social connections here on the threadiverse. I used to run a lot. Like a lot a lot. 100 miles a week sometimes. I was a long distance specialist trying to qualify for Olympic marathon trials. Injuries and old age have ended that chapter of my life and I often find myself needing to remind myself to be proud of my ~10mi/w workload because that's more than a lot of people my age in my profession do.

Today I just ran around my neighborhood. There's a nice park nearby but I don't get to go to it very often because the street I have to run down to get there can be pretty scary. I think access to green spaces is something that often goes neglected in community planning in my country


For the screen readers: this is a picture of a small preying mantis, no longer than the first knuckle of my index finger


Explanation for screen readers: it's a tiny little praying mantis that was on my door this morning. Roughly the length of the first knuckle on my index finger


It gives me hope for the future of beehaw refederating with that instance. They host some interesting communities. To be clear, I fully support beehaw defederating, it's just heartwarming to see instance admins do things that move things forward


He wants belly rubs constantly

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