
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 52 minutes ago

Those are all factors, and brainwashing is also a problem. But beyond that, Trumpism is to a certain extent the logical conclusion of the American culture. He represents a perverted yet unabashed and clear representation of the American Dream - at least the illusion of Trump does.

The me-first thinking, the worship of capitalism, the shameless revelry in gaudy displays of tasteless wealth - it's all there. It's completely unsurprising to me that someone like him would appeal to a lot of Americans. There are a lot of people who idolise and wish they themselves could be like the image he projects.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

Mix of poor quality players, injuries and sloppy handling of games/late collapses. Having to/choosing to play Michael Keane so much is not doing them any favours either. I do think they'll survive in the end, though, buy we'll see. They don't have the advantage of three other astronomically poor teams in the bottom this season, unlike last time.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Compounded, I'm sure, by an often full diaper. Must be quite the bouquet.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

I think Valve is completely hands-off when it comes to pro Dota now. They single-handedly organised the first five Internationals, after which they slowly and gradually started offloading more and more responsibilities onto PGL. That's why it's been a slow process, TI6 for example (considered by many the best TI of all time) was still mostly a Valve event.

Dota 2 probably isn't high on the list of their profit sources but I hope they'll still give a moderate amount of care to it.

I don't think profitability is a major factor, to be honest. Valve gets enough money from Steam to do whatever they want, and they've demonstrated many times over that they're not primarily motivated by making money when it comes down to what projects they choose to undertake - or not undertake, for that matter.

I think they used to be really passionate about Dota, and that passion is just not there to the same extent anymore. Valve employees are allowed to do pretty much whatever they want, and over the years I assume the amount of people who want to be involved with Pro Dota has dwindled.

There still seem to be enough people around that still care about the game itself, at least. It's still getting updates and new content, so there's that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

I didn't watch all the matches or see all the goals, but from what I've seen it's hard to look past Duran's screamer against Everton. I'm not usually one to go for the long range efforts, but it's rare to see that type of swerve.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (2 children)

I'm happy Liquid won, I think the old HoN trio deserve it, I think Nisha really deserves it and 33 is of course a great player too. I'm glad the Liquid redemption story vs GG gave us at least one memorable story and moment from this TI, which otherwise has felt fairly bland.

I've touched on it before but TI losing its magic is very sad to me. It's been in decline for a few years already, but it's more obvious now than it ever has been that Valve's investment in Dota is just not what it once was. This was the first TI Valve was fully hands-off with - from now on its 100% a PGL product and I think it shows.

I miss True Sight, it's one of the best things related to TI. I miss seeing more of the games in front of a crowd (they even seemed to filter out the crowd noise?). I miss the Lategame with Pyrion Flax aftershow. I miss player profiles and video archive snippets (patience from Zhou!). I miss the All-Star games, despite them being goofy and sometimes terrible.

TI is just another LAN event now, and that's such a shame when you think about the heights of what it once was.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Which is an extremely important distinction. "I'm sorry you were offended" is not a true apology, and everyone should be aware of this whether regarding Trump or other bullies you may encounter in your life.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago

Reminder that he is a malignant narcissist, and is biologically incapable of accepting blame, responsibility or personal faults. As per the Narcissist's Prayer:

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

We'll see. Liquid just potentially threw the game there on that Dyrachio bait. After all the Liquid - GG finals PTSD I would never count out Liquids potential of crumbling. Also, Naga late game is a scary thing.

EDIT: seems I was wrong, thankfully

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I was rooting like crazy for Tundra as it would have been so nice for me to have two teams I like in the final and I could just relax and not care about who wins. And it would have been nice to have a break from Liquid vs GG. And you have to give it to Tundra, they did really well to almost salvage that third game. Very impressive display by Pure again, as well as the supports clutching save after save.

GG played well though, they're good and they have been for a few years now. Can't take anything away from them, I just wish they were more likeable. Much like Falcons I respect their skill but have a hard time rooting for them.

I still think they will win it as Liquid choking in a final against GG is such a tradition I think the psychological factor will be huge here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

It may be the case that it wasn't sustainable, but I doubt money is the factor. I think Valve is just less invested in Dota these days. Regardless of what is the reason, I miss TI feeling more special. I'm the opposite of you I guess, I miss TI being a huge festival of Dota. I miss the huge installations around KeyArena and Kaci talking to people around the Secret Shop. I miss the shots of people watching the huge screens outside on the grass enjoying a festival atmosphere. I miss the goofy All-Star matches.

TI just feels like any other big LAN event nowadays, which is a shame.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

Would have preferred a regular livestream with all donations going to the Gaza cause rather than a paywalled stream.


We're finally off the ground! 8 teams left, who are your favourites? What do you think about the arena and production? Will we see any fun surprise?

Watch live on Twitch or YouTube .


Community: [email protected]

Still have an open void in your life since the Olympics ended? Why not fill it with some esports? Valve's huge The International tournament for Dota 2 started this week, so I thought I'd make a promo post for its community here on Lemmy.


This appeared in my YouTube suggestions, thought I'd share it here.


What teams are you watching? What do you think of the games? Any potential upsets to look out for, any player you're excited to see perform?

Stream links:

Stream 1

Stream 2

Stream 3

Stream 4


Out of every 10 games I play, maybe one of them is a close, even game where everyone is on roughly the same skill level - and that's probably me being generous.

Almost every game has people on either team not just losing their lane but going something like 0-17. I know it's early alpha and has had a huge influx of players recently so maybe it's to be expected to some extent, but even back in my Dota days matchmaking was never this bad. This is like, public WC3 Dota 1 lobbies level.

How are you guys finding it? Anyone break through the MMR barrier into a point where you're getting consistently good games? How long did it take, and what MMR? (you can check here


Stolen from a thread on the other place. I thought it was very interesting. How do you feel about cyberpunk compared to paranormal 30s New York as a theme?


I was waiting for the original poster to repost it here, but if they aren't then I will since this photo definitely belongs here.


While still holding out hope of one day seeing his book (the excellently titled "etceteracide") released, a song lyric will do. RSH was great with words, and I always thought this read pretty well as a poem.


Not his best comic but there's some good stuff in there as always. The "Fatty" (sorry, body-positivity) Foulkes reference was a great deep cut.^[1]


Most if not all of these clips were already in the developer deep dive, but this is a shorter more digestible video - without the distraction of voice overs.

It's so cool seeing all these familiar locations in their new visual splendour.


Good hunting, Stalker.

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