
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (1 children)

Hope this helps:)

(The chart legend seems not to be placed properly, maybe that's why they mirrored the chart.)

Oi, I noticed the vertical axis is logarithmic, the impact difference is bigger than I thought.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

That was good, tnx

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ναι πιστευω το συστημα που εχουμε δεν προωθει την αυξηση πληθυσμου (αν και νομιζω καλη ειναι γενικα η πτωση του πληθυσμου, εφοσον γινεται με καταλληλο ρυθμο αναλογως την περιοχη. Κακη ειναι η ελλειψη προσωπικου χρονου ομως.)

Το να χεις πολλα παιδια στην κοινωνια μας, μειωνει ακομα παραπανω τον ελευθερο χρονο για να αναπτυχθεις ως ανθρωπος και σε απομακρυνει απο τα πολιτικα ή τα κοινωνικα ζητηματα, καθως εχεις τα δικα σου σοβαρα προβληματα να ασχοληθεις.. Σχεδον ολες οι χωρες προωθουν την αυξηση του πληθυσμου για να χουν περισσοτερη φθηνη εργασια απο ατομα που ειναι πολυ απασχολημενα για να αμφισβητησουν το συστημα.

Λυσεις υπαρχουν πιστευω για να χει ο ανθρωπος ελευθερο χρονο παραπανω (πχ. αυτοματοποιηση η οποια θεωρητικα θα μειωνε την απαιτουμενη συνολικη δουλεια, αλλα χρησιμοποιεται για αυξηση κερδους), αλλα εφαρμοζουν ημιμετρα που δεν αποσκοπουν πραγματικα στην λυση του προβληματος.

Εν τω μεταξυ ας μην ξεχναμε, ο ιδιος ο προθυπουργος εκανε νομιμη την 6ημερη εργασια (και αλλα ποσα)🤡🤡🤡🤡

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Χμ δεν ειχα σκεφτει πως δημιουργει τοση ηχορυπανση, ελπιζω να βρουν μια λυση

Εκει ειχα παει για την πρωτη πρακτικα συναυλια μου (που ηξερα το συγκροτημα και ηθελα να τους δω)😅

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Γενικα δεν εχω πολλες εμπειριες, αλλα


  • Η ελαφονησος (απτην πλευρα που κοιτα την κρητη) ειχε ισως την πιοο ομορφη παραλια που εχω δει (το νερο, η αμμος, η παραλια). Αξιζει αμα τυχαινει να περνατε απο κει κοντα.

(Οχι προταση ακριβως, αλλα η Ξανθη εχει ενα καταπρασινο και ομορφο τμημα το οποιο δεν διαφημιζεται και πολυ. Εχει περιπου 3 τμηματα: καινουργια (τσιμεντενια-ψιλονεκρη απο κοσμο), παλια (γραφικη, με φοιτητοκοσμο) και πρασινη πολη. Βρηκα την τελευταια καθως τριγυριζα μονος προτου φυγουμε lol.)


  • Η βουδαπεστη ειναι πανεμορφη με πολυ καλες συγκοινωνιες, σχετικα φθηνες τιμες και παρα πολλα πραγματα να δεις. (Αν και η κυβερνηση τους ειναι καπως χαλια.) Πηγαμε με παρεα μεταξυ χριστουγεννων και πρωτοχρονιας, ηταν μαγικα. 5βραδια και παλι δεν ηταν αρκετα να τα δουμε ολα:

Η παλια πολη (Βουδα) με τα καστρα και τον λαμβυρινθο, η κανουργια (Πεστη) με τα μνημεια, τα μουσεια, το κοινοβουλιο, τα μαγαζια, τα διαφορα γνωστα στενα, η πλατειες, ο δουναβης με την ομορφη κρουαζιερα το βραδυ και το εκπληκτικο ντοκιμαντερ που εχουν και στα ελληνικα (ηταν τερμα αστειο, μας μιλουσε ο ιδιος ο δουναβης, παλιες βασιλισσες κλπ 😆) και το νησι της μαργαριτας που δεν το ειδαμε και πολυ. Ειχε τοσα πολλα.

  • Plovdiv/Φιλιππουπολη: πολυ ομορφη, μικρη, γραφικη πολη στην βουλγαρια. Ειναι πιο χαλαρος προορισμος, αλλα εχει ωραιες πλατειες με απλα στην καινουργια πολη και πολυ γραφικα μερη στην παλια.

  • Απο βορεια ιταλια θα προτεινα Μπολονια (εχει πολλους φοιτητες εκει και νομιζω φαινεται στον χαρακτηρα της πολης) και Bergamo που ειναι πολυ ομορφο.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Αν ηθελαν ο κοσμος να κανει παραπανω παιδια θα δημιουργουσαν μια καλυτερη χωρα..

Let them (numbers) drop θα πω εγω

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Wait, I ~never was notified that it got to 25mb, I thought it was 8

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

or blood.


[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Hi, I ~just woke up

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Hey, I had seen that meme around here some weeks ago, but I lost it and was searching it recently. Thank you, gonna share it with my friend now:)

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

The percentage is based on how many people have used the thing, so if it is suddenly popular and a lot more runs are completed it can shift the percentage.

Ohh now it makes sense, thanks

[–] [email protected] 71 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (9 children)

Kinda wondering if you'd get different results for using a different display (especially of different technology)

This what I got from two consecutive tests anyways (weird that the percentage is different)

Your boundary is at hue 168, greener than 81% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.

Your boundary is at hue 168, greener than 85% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.


He bacc.

Αυτο το κομμα διασπαστηκε τοσο πολυ τελευταια οποτε λιγο χαιρομαι που εστω για μια φορα εκανε το αντιθετο (αν και δεν εχω ακριβως γνωμη για το προσωπο αυτο ωστε να ξερω αν ειναι θετικο ή οχι).

(Πιο πολυ στελνω αυτο το αρθρο επειδη θελω γνωμες για αυτην την εφημεριδα, ειδα διαφημιση της στον δρομο και μου κινησε το ενδιαφερον😆

Edit: πηρα τις απαντησεις μου κατω απο αυτο το σχολιο, thanks παιδια😄)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to start eating more frequently plant-based foods, especially oats, lentils, chickpeas, etc. which are high on fiber. The thing is, I'm kinda hesitant to do so, because almost every time I eat them, soon enough I get the side effects for the rest of the day and the fact that I might spend a lot of time outside without going home doesn't help me.. (One solution would be to change some social norms around gas or feel less insecure.. I try to help others who are in my place to feel comfortable, but I don't know if others would do that for me🤷)

What could I do to help this situation? Is it possible for my body to digest it properly or will always cause extra gas?

Ideas I have read/thought so far (with some questions):

  1. Soaking them in water for 12+hours and throwing the water. How many nutriens do I lose that way? How does it work? (I read somewhere that it simply takes away some sugars which cause digestion issues.) Does it work for all grains and seeds?

  2. Putting them in a blender. That's kinda my idea, but would essentially cutting them in a finer and liquid state make them easier to digest? (Probably won't work at all for insoluble fiber though.)

  3. Boiling/heating them up. Does this work? Does it degrade any nutrients?

  4. Eating more. I've read that the gut adapts and digests them better over time. (Though I don't know how much improvement I should notice.)

I'd just like to minimize-eliminate the side-effects without ruining their nutrients if possible :)

Edit: Thank you everyone for your help! I see the main point here is to just eat more of high fibre food. Thank you for your time!😊


[The guide isn't mine and I'm not affiliated with it, I'm just sharing a mind-blown moment for me.]

Over the years, I have gathered many notebooks that admittedly not all contain very important information and take up a lot of space (possibly a cubic meter or more). But being kind of a (data)hoarder, I dont want to just throw them away. It's work that took years.

My solution: scanning them. My phone has a built-in camera scanner that does a suprisingly good job (it helps that the camera is kinda good too), so I have scanned thousands of pages so far. But the process is slow and takes a lot of manual labor (flipping pages, aligning pages, retaking bad photos, creating pds etc.). A typical notebook (~120pages) may take me 15minutes or more.

So I thought that maybe I could speed up the process (partially at least) by either buying a scanner or paying someone to scan them (I don't have a proper scanner, yet). Removing the pages without damaging them is a challenge though. That's where the guide in the link comes in: it turns out it's very easy to remove the spiral spring from the notebooks! I was gonna pull the pages until I found that guide. I suppose it's also very easy to remove the staples from staple-bound notebooks too. I might just have "won" many hours of my life with this idea.

The video in the guide that helped me:

(For the record, my xiaomi 10 phone can scan items by creating ~20MP images which translates to typical-to-high resolutions if I scan A4 or A5 pages. Fortunately, many scanners can reach that quality. I just need them not to apply any weird effects or compression to the scanned document.)


Yesterday, after this conversation with Wild Bill, we concluded that Deemix can't download songs from spotify playlists. It does recognize the songs in the playlists, but somehow it fails to download them and reports cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'flac') (on Bill's pc it only reports cannot read properties of undefined). If you hover the cursor over the error, a tooltip comes up with more info:

TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'flac')
at f (C:\Program Files\deemix-gui\resources\app.asar\server\dist\app.js:2:94278)
at z (C:\Program Files\deemix-gui\resources\app.asar\server\dist\app.js:2:94979)
at process.processTicks.AndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async (C:\Program Files\deemix-gui\resources\app.asar\server\dist\app.js:2:97603)
at async Downloader.downloadWrapper (C:\Program Files\deemix-gui\resources\app.asar\server\dist\app.js:2:102154)
at async C:\Program Files\deemix-gui\resources\app.asar\server\dist\app.js:2:96320

You can't just paste the spotify playlists link in the search bar and download the playlist.

Apparently, Spotify or Deezer or somethibg else changed their api or something and is giving Deemix a hard time.


  • It worked for me about half a year ago (I have downloaded around 3k songs that way).

  • I can download individual songs from spotify with their link.

  • The tracking parameter spotify adds in the end doesnt seem to play any role, as the playlists dont get downloaded whether I remove the parameter or not and individual songs get downloaded whether I remove the parameter or not.

  • I tried creating a new "app" in spotify developer dashboard and use its iIDs, but it didnt help.

  • I also tried adding the "Web Playback SDK" kit in the spotify app, but it didnt help (I have the "Web API" on at all times btw). Spotify shows in the dashboard that I have indeed made calls to their api by downloding songs.

  • I'm using the latest deemix-gui version (I think): 2022.12.14-r222.5d447b6035.

  • I'm using it on windows 10.

  • If you want to see my settings, it's under the Deemix settings section in this guide I made

  • I use a hifi account (from a random arl). I also tried another account, still didnt help.

  • The same issue occurs when downloading mp3, not just flac

  • I tried downloading playlists which deemix had successfully downloaded in the past, it failed. I even tried creating new playlists for deemix to download, it failed again.

I tried searching the error online, ~nothing related to deemix came up. This is the deemix gitlab repository, in case it helps anyone with finding more info.

Plz halp.


So my main language is Greek and I read english and greek books. Depending on the book/author I may have 2-5 words per page that I may not understand (or at least I want to understand them better). Thus, many times after I finish a page, I use aard2 and either search the word in the english-to-english dictionary or (rarer) in the greek wiktionary for a translation. (For context, I'm reading ~mainly fantasy, sci-fi or dystopian books of the 20th and 21th century and currently I'm on "Croocked kingdom". I haven't dared to try reading a classic book in english.)

The issue is that this effectively slows me down by an extra ~50% time per page and I'm not even very sure that those words are remembered. I could simply keep reading without searching the words up and just use the context to get a vague sense of their meaning (or simply ignore them as they ~usually aren't necessary to the plot), but I think I'd miss on the whole experience by doing this and it doesn't address the underlying issue (being that I don't know english extremely well even if I have C2 and scored high on vocabulary), which will perpetuate the problem. I'd like to note that I have made searching words almost as efficient as it gets by using downloaded dictionaries, so I don't think I can reduce the time I spend looking up words by anything more, at least on paper books.

I'd like to ask anyone who searches up words like me:

Did you eventually reach a point where you learnt enough words this way, that it wasn't that much necessary to use dictionaries anymore? (I'd be kinda satisfied if I could reduce the frequnecy of unknown words to 1 per two pages or something.)


Go to your uploads on your profile and delete anything you don't want. Very helpful in case you upload anything sentitive by mistake (I remember an issue on github about this).

Mood (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Happens about 20mins after I wake up.

Image transcription:Random npc spongebob fish character looking miserable holding a cup during a sunset and another overlayed image of the same guy on the left with the same look.

It is captioned with:

When you already checked your usual 5 apps and don't know what else to do with your day:


After all these recent upgrades, updates and improvements, things are going veeert smoothly and fast!🔥 I think this comment I made about a week ago about experiencing slow responses is no longer valid!

Sal and anyone else who helped, you did a great job! Thank you!☺️

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello people

Im trying to find music that aligns with my views and opinions, so that I can listen to it guilt-free and simply enjoy it. I have some prerequisites/requirements and some preferences. I want to ask you if you can share any artist/band (or songs if you dont know any artists) that matches all the prerequisites and if possible any of the preferences.

The prerequisites about the artists(/songs):

  1. They have leftist (and anti-capitalist) opinions

  2. They have feminist (and anti-patriarchist) opinions

  3. They are friendly towards all the queer community (including non-binary and trans people)

  4. They have atheistic/agnostic opinions

  5. They have anti-racist opinions (I forgot to add this, I took it as granted, provided all the previous requirements were passed😅. I'm editing my post to add it.)

The preferences about the artists(/songs):

a) They dont promote self-destructive behaviours (like substance/alcohol abuse). I dont have any issue with them singing about such behaviours, but I want to see them trying to help people get out of this situation. (This one could be a prerequisite too, but then there would almost no artist that would pass my requirements..)

b) They express their opinions in the songs by singing about social issues and such

c) Their genre is rap/metal/rock (generally I tend to prefer songs that have some anger/that are powerful)

d) They sing mainly in either English or Greek (the languages I know well so that I can understand them😅). I also know some German, so that could be a good option too. And I'd like to learn Spanish some time. (If you know artists/songs that sing in other languages, you're welcome to share them)

Please, I would like anything you share to pass my prerequisites and to mention any of my preferences that it matches (in case it doesn't pass any of the prerequistes at least mention it). I have them all in order to make it easier for you.

So for example, the band "Rationalistas" (a greek rap band) passes the prerequistes and seems to match b), c) and d) preferences (I listen to them almost exclusively this week, lol).

Another artist that seem pass my requirements seems to be Macklemore (as seen on "Hinds hall") and matches c) and d) of my preferences (and in some songs I think he matches a) and b) too).

Demi Lovato in her HOLY FVCK album seems to pass my requirements (though not sure about the 1.) and probably matches all of my preferences.

Jesse Welles seems to pass my requirements as well and matches at least b) and d) of my preferences.

Lemmy seems to opinions similar to what my requirements are, so I kinda hope I might get good recommendations here.

(For even greater coverage, I've cross-posted this on the ~equally active music community on hexbear Sharing the link in case you want to find extra material, I might combine all the recommendations eventually in a list or a playlist.)

Here I'm gonna list ~anything you and I suggest:

List of artists/bands (and album/song picks)Against Me! (Their politics have become a bit more "softer", but were left-anarchists at first. Feminist and the singer is a trans woman. Picks:"Reinventing Axl Rose" and "As the Eternal Cowboy")

AJJ (Andrew Jackson Jihad) (Folk punk.)

Bad Religion (Conventional punk.)

Bad Religion (Punk Rock.)

Bands that publish under libre/free licences, they are often leftist, feminist and they are political by design.

Billy Bragg (Folk/Rock/Protest. Left wing. Picks: "Red flag")

Bloc Party (Indie Rock)

Bomb the Music Industry! (Lefty ska-punk.)

Circus Marcus (Piano/Emotional music.)

Crass (Anarcho Punk. The logo was designed to look "fascist" to draw in youth that, at the time, were drawn to fascism through the iconography. The hope was to expose these fascist at risk youth to Crass' version of radical politics involving anti-racism, anti-sexism, anarchist socialism. Picks: "Best before 1984")

Dad Bods (Rock. Their youtube page because it's hard to find them: Picks: "System")

Danger Dan - (German Rap. Unfortunately Antideutsche. Picks: "Sand in die Augen")

David Rovics (Folk/Ballads. Picks: "Who Would Jesus Bomb")

Dead Prez (Rap.)

Defiance (Folk punk.)

DJ Spooky (Electronic/Hip-Hop.)

eta (Punk Rock/Grunge. Their discogs page because it's hard to find them:

G.L.O.S.S. (Anti-capitalist, anti-fascist punk rock made by trans women.)

Godspeed You! Black Emperor (Post Rock.)

grandson (Rap/Rock Picks: "Blood in the water")

grim104 - (German Rap. Picks: "2. Mai") (Very angry anti-fascist Youtube playlist. Mostly metal and rap. The artist themselves may not all be leftist but I picked songs that work. Immortal Technique don't pass the feminism and queer friendliness requirements. The songs in the playlist should be unoffensive on that front though. Used when the only way to get through the day is with pure rage at the injustice of the world.)

IDLES (Punk Rock. Picks: "Samaritans:")

Irie Revoltes (German Punk/Reggae/Hip-Hop)

Johnny Hobo & the Freight Trains, Wingnut Dishwashers Union (Projects from Pat the Bunny. Folk punk. A lot of his music deals with substance abuse but not in a glamorizing way. They mark his stages of recovery in a way that is very interesting.)

Krav Boca (French/Greek Rap.)

Laibach (Industrial.)

Lupe Fiasco (Leftist Rapper. Picks: "Mural" and "American Terrorist")

Michael Franti and Spearhead (Hip-Hop/Reggae.)

Modest Mouse (Their real strengths come out in their more reflective songs. Picks: "Lonesome Crowded West")


Ohio (Folk punk.)

Osiris Saline (Classical/Gothic/Symphonic/Progressive Punk)

Pablo Hasel (Catalan Rapper)

Plagiat (French Rock. Songs in some kind of bizarre French. Their bandcamp page because it's hard to find them:

Propagandhi (Conventional punk. Picks: "Less Talk, More Rock")

Punk bands. folk punk.Try checking out smaller punk bands on Bandcamp.

Rage Against the Machine (Rap/Metal/Rock)

Refused (Swedish Hardcore band with leftist themed music. Their singer Dennis Lyxzén is an outspoken socialist and vegan. They broke up for about 15 years after TSoPtC, but reunited and have been releasing new albums and playing shows since 2015. Picks: "The Shape of Punk to Come"

Sebkha-Chott (French Metal/Jazz/Fusion. Old band from Plagiat members.)

Stray From The Path (Hardcore Punk. Picks: "Goodnight Alt Right", "Guillotine" and "Euthanasia".)

Streetlight Manifesto (Lefty ska-punk.)

The Clash (OG Leftist Punk.)

The Residents (Art Rock.)

Ton Steine Scherben (Oldschool German Rock)

Utah Philips (Folk music.)

Vandalismus - (German Rap. Picks: "Maskulina")

Zugezogen Maskulin - (German Rap. Picks: "Alle gegen Alle")


Hello everyone!

About 2 weeks ago, went down due to maintenance issues, but it seems like federation hasn't been restored on this instance.

Specifically, I am subscribed to which federates with, but on this instance posts since 2 weeks ago and later dont seem to be federating.

Could you please check it and maybe re-enable it in the future?

(I know that currently there's a migration happening and we'll soon(?) update to 0.19.4, so this issue I'm pointing may have to wait till all these finish first (or updating may fix it without any extra work)).

Thank you for maintaining this instance! :)


I just checked the github page of lsposed and saw that it is now archived :/

I found a short thread on xda mentioning it as well.

The official announcement is on telegram.

This is sad...


Due to the nature of fediverse, you can't just do a "site:lemmy" search as you'd do with reddit ( I was searching for ways to do it on my firefox browsers and I came to a solution that searches 21 different instances simultaneously, which I consider to be a big part of lemmy (I also include kbin instances). I am using firefox with DDGO (which has a 500-character limit per search query).

There's gonna be a text you will have to copy, I'll just write it once here hidden inside the spoiler:

"URL string" ( | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Replace it when I ask you to write the "URL string".

There are different processes, depending on the type of device/OS (computer, mobile/android etc.). I will list some of them and you can pick the one you want:

  • Firefox Android: Go to search settings->manage alternative search engines->add search engine. Pick a name you want (eg. Lemmy) and on the search string URL paste the "URL string" I've written above. Now next time you want to search Lemmy, just select "Lemmy" as your search engine.

  • Firefox Computer V1: Create a bookmark with a name you want (eg. Lemmy search). In the URL field paste the "URL string" I've written above. In the keyword field add a keyword to use as a prefix to your searches (eg. @l). Now to search Lemmy, you can type @l "random search" in the address bar.

  • Firefox Computer V2: Open a new tab and type about:config in the address bar. In the search box type: browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh Click on the little + symbol on the right. Go to firefox Settings->Search or enter this in the address bar: about:preferences#search In the "Search Shortcuts" section you should notice a new "Add" button. Just like on android, press "Add", insert a name (eg. Lemmy), add the "URL string" from above and once you're done you can add a keyword (eg. @lemmy). If you want, you can now go back and disable browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh (press the trash can icon) (I don't know if this will crash anything).

I really wanted to search lemmy, but not being able to do a simple site:lemmy detered me from doing so.

So there you have it! The added text is 412 characters which leaves 88 characters for your searches. You can change the url to add/remove instances you want. If anyone can improve it please (like shrinking the url or if you manage to search all instances) it will be appreciated.


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