
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 22 minutes ago

We're in such a wonderful position: Kamala does nothing about Israel like she's paid to do and Palestinians die.

Trump wins and not only does nothing about Palestine, but encourages Bibi to go harder, more Palestinians die annnnd we get to enjoy the beginning of a fascist dictatorship!

Notice how Stein isn't even mentioned in the above? You can claim it's about putting pressure on Kamala all you like, but this is the literal election. When she loses because of this "pressure" (that isn't pressure, it's literally not voting for her at all) what's the outcome? It sure as hell has nothing to do with Stein being anywhere.

We've been having this argument about the green party for fucking decades and what progress/policies have they "forced" the Democrats to adopt?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 36 minutes ago

"Attempted to fix the issue, but the problem exists between the keyboard and chair."

[–] [email protected] 3 points 39 minutes ago

We’re all powerless alone

That's the "funny" thing about it. ALONE we are powerless. The really really hard part is getting all of us together.

Media in the past that wasn't purely propaganda for the sake of manipulating the population would have achieved this simply by the reporting done. Now all they do is give cover to the assholes committing the atrocities across the world and we have to fight with each other just to convince people what is actually happening and why it's bad...

Divide and conquer works and it's why we never seem to make progress. :(

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

So just going to chime in here with a little advice that really should be obvious, but don't tell someone who is suicidal to just get over themselves.

A person wants to end their existence and your only reply is to completely dismiss their pain as absurd. As someone who is suicidal pretty much every day, the whole point is not wanting to exist in this pain and not seeing any way out of it. There's nothing to "get over" as people like us think of ourselves as the lowest form of garbage imaginable. A joke I often make is "Hitler had more redeeming qualities than I do."

The only thing accomplished wtih your statement is making you feel better about yourself, it doesn't help the other person at all so the whole "got nothing nice to say, don't say anything" applies here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I feel similar but I wouldn't say I particularly hate my parents.

I was an accident and honestly if anything I'm very frustrated that the only reason I was born was that my grandmother is super religious and refused to even entertain the idea of an abortion, hell she's even responsible for my name (again from the fucking goddamn Bible. For me that's ironic since I loath most organized religion.) but my parents in no way should have gotten together. I think my mom was just attractive and my dad is a pig for sex (I recognize some of that in myself so I guess I got that from him... Thanks...)

As others have mentioned it's not so much that the entirety of all 38 years of my life sucked, but for me I have a distinct memory at 11 years old of having this feeling that something wanted me to kill myself because it just kept "poking" at me, making life miserable in various ways. I gave the sky the finger and said "fuck you I'm not doing that" simply out of spite of whatever it was. (I don't believe anything like that now). So I have to imagine childhood wasn't as bad although I did have to live through 2 stepfathers that both wished I didn't exist probably as much as I do.

Anxiety runs rampant through my father's side of the family and I've definitely been depressed for the entirety of my teenage and adult life. The world wouldn't be affected by my passing, but I sure as hell would love to hit the "off button" as well. All that said, if women even found me worthy, I would never want to pass these absolute garbage genes on to anyone. That should be a crime thats how shitty they are (except my immune system, that seems pretty ok lol)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I'm rapidly approaching 40, but I'm there too.

Most "normal" people see watching a movie or playing a game as a passive experience, you're "doing nothing."

For me that couldn't be more wrong. I almost never "just" watch a movie or show, that's wayyyy too passive for me. Playing a game is engaging, you may not be physically running around, but you absolutely are "doing something."

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 hours ago

Everything a rich person does is Correct™ because they're rich and obviously that means God™ blessed them.


[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 hours ago

What is the true, fundamental difference in world view between one who is conservative and one who is progressive?

One believes government can be leveraged to encourage/enact positive change, that a lot of people need to be coerced into doing what's right (read: business owners) and that a population doesn't need to reenforce or retain one race as their majority, that a diverse population breeds creativity and growth is inspired by such.

The other believes that government shouldn't be responsible for anything other than the defense of the country, that the society of that nation is almost entirely decided by the race and culture of a given majority and that it should always remain as such. (Read: there's your racism) and that might makes right (money = power. You gained that money however you did and therefore what you do with it is always morally correct.)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I can't really speak to Europe in particular as I'm an American and mainly understand American issues, but from the bits that I've seen it seems like Russia has been trying to influence the politicians of any country that "dares" to interfere with their intentions.

I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find European NATO countries have their own Russia manipulated politicians either willingly or unknowingly fighting against the release of weapons/money to Ukraine. On the opposite side we in America have a gigantic lobby that is solely focused on helping Israel, again I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find they too are operating in other countries that would help them (not necessarily a bad thing in concept, any country would want to have a lobby to petition other governments to help them. I'm not trying to be antisemitic or anything)

There is also the concept that Isreal helps as a "stabilizer" for the middle east. That's the geopolitics argument, I'm not smart enough to know whether that actually works as intended or not.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 days ago

Literally never because they always have some bullshit way to legitimize their actions. It is fraud in the colloquial usage of the word, but not legally if they have specific arguments like "we were just referring to previous (lowest they could find) turnout numbers to save the taxpayers money!"

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