i have sadly masturbated alone like i have for the past 2 years. I don't even do it as much anymore because it's lost its touch.
We have to see the next few days what happens.
well, i wasn't talking about safe supply, i was talking about removing the component of making it illegal. I don't think it's right that people consume heroin and crack and meth and basically drugs like that except cannabis. I have been around drug users and i while people go "buy silocybin is so life changing!" I have seen VERY negative results from these drugs, and it doesn't help that the CIA started putting drugs out on the street with their experiment with LSD, MKULTRA, counter-culture, and charles manson.
Yes and i know what your going to say, I know staight couples that are happy and weren't happy, i also new LGBTQ couples that were happy and not happy. Its not a cis exclusive issue.
such a sad future for Canadians.
what other choice is there?
yes, i will be voting liberal come the election, but i know the conservatives will win
because im single? what a stupid point.
fucking outside on a trampoline in the dark away from a backyard party