This hasn't happend yet, but I'm paranoid I will one day day say 触ってもいいですか when I mean to say 座ってもいいですか.
Japanese Language
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Remember that you can add furigana to your posts by writing ~{KANJI|FURIGANA}~ like:
~{漢字|かんじ}~ which comes out as:
触ってもいいですか? とても柔らかくて魅力的に見えます
via google translate.
I’m pretty sure context and inflection would probably make a huge difference here. You may say 触ってもいいですか, but if you are entering someone’s home or going out to eat and approaching a table, I think they’re going to understand your intention or at the very most that you made a silly pronunciation mistake.
Oo that could be really bad. Yea... now I'm worried I might do that by accident too!
I was once wondering around a neighborhood in Tokyo and passed by a group of friends who were saying goodbye to each other. I heard one of them say "お疲れヤマ". I stopped, wondering if it was some strange kind of slang or regional variation, but she then started laughing and said "お疲れマウンテン".
Haha oh no! Too much 疲れ lol