Treating plants and webs as traps does sound like a somewhat reasonable default. Even when as a Warden I want to step on a plant I don't rely on the pathfinding to go through the plant.
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Surprise! You just warped to the previous floor!
I agree 100%. It's just tedium when the game makes you deviate from the auto-routing by manually tapping from square to square. It's not a test of a skill.
Maybe only if the crab is dead. I like the skill involved having to know to avoid the webs. As if you could automatically dodge them like traps they become useless.
That's not true since they often block the only path you have. That's when they become part of the challenge of the game. Automatically stepping on a web because of the "shortest path" auto-routing is just a nuisance that doesn't belong in the game. All it does is make you tediously tap a path through a room that has a web in it. There's zero challenge in avoiding a web or plant by just walking around it.