It’s beautiful! You do amazing work.
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @[email protected] whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
Thank you!
Absolutely gorgeous work, you nailed it with this one.
Just out of curiosity, what laser do you have? I actually didn't even know they made lasers that could engrave bowls like this until I started seeing your work here, and you certainly put it to excellent use.
It's a laserpecker pro 1. It's about $280 and can engrave about a 4" square area.
I put together an indexer and a chuck along with a jig to hold everything. So the laser is simple, but I set it up to enable things like this.
I am thoroughly impressed by your ingenuity! I'm assuming that its a fairly manual process with this setup, where you run several jobs all the way around the bowl while rotating the bowl in between jobs? Probably not as convenient as a set it and forget it machine but after a quick Google I see that the cost savings are SIGNIFICANT.
Excellent work my friend, thanks for sharing a picture of your setup.
Yes, I burn one image and then rotate the bowl 10°. The indexer allows precise degree adjustments that are repeatable.
Really nice. Is it true that the main advantage of a the laser over a wood burner is getting that really fine detail? Did you do the line above and below with a wood burner or a laser as well?
The line is a groove from a chisel and then a wire pressed into the groove while the bowl spun fast - burning the groove.
You can get super fine detail with a wood burner. The advantage of a laser is time and repeatability.
Perfect balance between precision crafting and some organic goofiness.
Amazing !