
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Go play Fallout London. It's a bitch to install and has more bugs than an ant colony but it's the best Fallout since New Vegas imo. Even in it's rough around the edges state you can tell it is a love letter to Fallout and is so good its canon for me regardless of what the will of Todd may ultimately decide.

If you have any issues installing the game and getting it stable please reach out to me. There was also a nearly gamebreaking issue with semi auto rifle damage being grossly under calculated that I can help with as well. If Fallout 3 and NV are your favorite games you really should play it and that goes for anyone else who stumbles on this comment. It's just so good.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

I struggled with this too. I ended up downloading the latest m0nkrus cracked version and then after blocking all outbound connections for PS I also made sure to delete all Creative Cloud files and folders. It's been working for a few months like that. But adobe is a pain in the ass so I'm sure they will break this version and I'll have to do it all again eventually. But it still beats paying for PS.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I've encountered a small issue with Jerboa that I wanted to see if other people were experiencing. And or if there was a fix for this issue.

Screenshot of issue:

Screenshot of the stuff at the top I'm talking about because I don't know the proper term:

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago

Lol Fuck HP and fuck the rich slimey bastard(s).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Good catch, I now see they refer to her as "ANC employee" instead of soldier or service member. I didn't realize that when I read it initially.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Yeah, she's in the fucking army dude. She also is assigned a very important detail and has her own career to think about. If she chose to press charges I'm sure every MAGAt in her chain of command would try their best to fuck her over. The military is just as political as any other part of the government which makes this seem like self preservation on her part.

Remember, friend, no one in this world gives a fuck about you, as much as you do.

ETA: Dr. Bob has pointed out that she is a civilian employee and not a soldier. I'm sure she has to deal with similar political machinations as the service members she works with but still an important distinction.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 weeks ago

This is a cruise missile.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 weeks ago

To each their own, but your "incredibly fine" is my extremely mediocre, also as a player and a DM.

It's especially disappointing how bad it is since the corporate lizards at WotC/ Hasbro have had plenty of time at this point to dump some money into the project and get it up to snuff since the acquisition of DnD Beyond.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Recommending the DnD beyond app is odd since it is buggy as hell and runs like hot garbage. Using the character sheets in a mobile browser has always been a faster and more stable experience for me. To the point that I actively give shit to anyone who uses the app at our table, there are still two people who are app holdouts in our group though lol.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I believe that was Russia's Kursk reactor. This reactor is in Ukraine.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

No, that's this other link actually:


Thin pieces of white limba and purple heart laminated to a piece of walnut and then hand routed with a v groove bit. Put a chamfer on all the edges to give it a purple heart border and then I think I finished this one with Polycrylic. Pounded a v tooth wall hanger into the back and called it good.


Obligatory "I got a 3d printer for Christmas" and I'm absolutely loving it, fell down the rabbit hole head first. However I'm currently dealing with an issue where my Neptune 4 Pro is slowing down to 7 mm/s when it is printing the outer walls despite being setup in Cura to print at 25mm/s. Filament is Overture PETG. Pictures show the Neptune touchscreen with the 7mm/s speed shown in the bottom left and a screengrab of the speed settings from Cura. Any help is greatly appreciated!

New jig, who dis? (

My second time building Michael Alm's Picture Frame Jig. The old one had quite a few issues. Primarily that I used a piece of pine for the runner that started out loose and has progressed to sloppy and almost ruined my last frame with gappy miters. Used maple this time and probably got to snug of a fit to be honest, but I also added a countersunk screw and washer to prevent the sled from tipping when it's pulled back. Tested it out making a test frame from some leftover frame stock, oak sandwiching padauk.


Full disclosure: I didn't make the clock hands, I just bought them off Amazon.

The Majority of the wood used is old (oak?) barn wood taken from the barn that we were married in front of on my family's farm. You can even see an old nail hole next to a hash mark between the 4 and the 5. Used primarily silver "shimmer" vinyl for the clock face which looks great in person but is an absolute nightmare to photograph. I've included a different, if not better, photo as well that shows that part more clearly.

I followed this Fisher's Shop video to learn how to get my weave on.

Update: I painted the hands silver and I think it looks much better.


Made these following the Fisher's Shop woven cutting board video.

Woods used:

(Board 1 on left) Walnut, Maple, Canary wood, Padauk, Cherry

(Board 2 on right) Canary wood, Maple, Walnut

A "Fancy" Rabbit House (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Made from one 2'x4' sheet of 1/4 inch Birch Ply and two eight foot sticks of cedar trim. House measures 11.5 inches wide by 24" long. Commissioned for Mia by her owner.


10 foot by 12 foot pergola with a 90% uv blocking shade cloth stapled over top of the runners to keep the kiddos cool. Again this is the biggest thing I've built to date and it absolutely kicked my ass, but every single nut and screw in this damn thing was turned by these very sore hands.


I'm pretty sure this configuration is safe and it never felt as squirrelly as it looks. The only issue I ran into was occasionally the workpiece would push the throat plate down and snag on the lip of the table preventing me from pulling back out of the cut. Which forced me to stop the saw a few times.

I'm a freak about safety so if anyone thinks any part of this is unsafe I'd love to start a dialog about it. I feel like I can always strive to be safer in the shop!

Or possibly just share some of your own frankenjigs.


I started this project in August 2020 and after a few weeks when I was just about finished assembling the pieces it fell off my work bench and broke into dozens of fragments that I then threw into the corner of my shop out of frustration. There it sat quietly judging me and haunting me for almost 3 years until I got tired of it being in my way and finally finished it to put it out of my misery.

So this post is for everyone with an unfinished project lurking in the corners of their shop collecting dust. You can do it!

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