Audio books of mystery novels
Podcast recommendations, episode discussions, and struggle sessions about which shows need to be cancelled.
Rest In Power, Michael Brooks.
Yes!! This Sounds Serious is a Canadian fake-true-crime comedic podcast. I listened to both seasons when they came out and loved every episode. Everybody in-universe takes everything deadly-seriously, but the writing is very tongue-in-cheek.
I'm pretty bummed they haven't made anything new in a while, but I think the pandemic probably threw a wrench in the gears for the third season and they've moved on to other things.
I think Who shat on the floor at my wedding? comes close. While it is a "true" crime, the stakes are comically low and nobody gets hurt.
every once in a while i'd hear about somebody shitting on the floor at some videogame companies, that would be be an excellent "true 'crime'" season if you could get people to talk about it.
Not exactly what you asked, but cree journo Connie Walker has made a few podcasts about crimes comitted against indigenous people. The topic is reprehensible but the podcasting part is not.
She recently won a pulitzer and a peabody award for a documentary about residential schools, particularly those attended by her late father and his family.