Max Payne. The original game was just amazing and the story was incredible.
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It's a fantastic exploration game if you go in blind and I wish I could forget it all and explore it all again.
Outer Wilds. You can't even really replay it, not like you can other games. But boy, I will never forget the unbridled joy of unraveling its mysteries - and ironically, would love to so I can do it all over again.
You can't even share much about this game without ruining it for someone else. I love this game so much but it's really difficult to get someone else to play it as well.
Outer Wilds. It's the best game I have played, and it can't really be played a second time.
Ocarina of Time, or Final Fantasy VII. Both of them had just incredible impacts on me as a teenager, and I'd love to be 16 and experiencing them for the first time again.
Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, or Super Mario RPG. I couldn't get enough of Squaresoft in the SNES days.
The first game to make me truly sad that I had finished it. Wow, what an experience!
I loved exploring and piecing together the story. I loved discovering new creatures and ecosystems. I loved finding strange things and figuring out what to do with them.
I've never played a game quite like it before or since. My god, it was really amazing. I beat it without needing a guide or walkthrough. It's great enough to the point where, if you are curious enough, you won't need one!
It's certainly a slower-paced game, as it's not all non-stop action, so it's not for everyone. But if you're a patient and curious person, this may be for you.
Planet Crafter gives me Subnautica vibes, though it's still in early access. But it has the "build a base and survive in a hostile world with cool things to explore" already and potential to become really great.
That said, Subnautica was the first thing I thought of when I first saw this thread but not planet Crafter.
Metal Gear Solid on PS1
Disco Elysium
The sheer joy of realising it's not "just another" RPG, slowly pulling the curtain on how intricate the worldbuilding is, discovering the main character and in turn reflecting on yourself. It's become a small addiction to watch first time streamers and let's players for me, to vicariously relive that process.
Another candidate might be Ultima 7, the interactivity and how "real" it felt in the 90s was mindblowing for kid me.
Portal. I thought it was just a puzzle game. I love twists in movies and this one really caught me off guard.
I wish I could experience Portal for the first time again.
It might be relatively new, but I'd say Subnautica.
It was such a breath of fresh air when it came out, and instilled both such a sense of wonder at all the vibrant lifeforms of 4546B and also instilling such dread upon encountering reapers or diving deeper than ever before. I still remember the mixed sense of wonder and unease upon discovering the Jellyshroom caves for the first time
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
All great stories with some very powerful moments.
Super Mario Galaxy
Final Fantasy 6
Super Mario 64
Super Mario World
Resident Evil
Chrono Trigger, Castlevania SOTN, Pokemon BW and B2W2, Dead Cells
It's hard to pick just one:
Deus Ex. It's timelessly topical despite being released in 2000. It predicted the War on Terror and a massive pandemic to name a couple.
Spiritfarer, for maximum onion chopping. Saying goodbye to Gwen really messed me up since I became very attached to her, and I can't finish the last stretch of the game because it's too emotionally taxing.
Undertale and wholesome fan-games like Act to Flirt.
Half-Life 2, circa 2004 when it was a leap ahead of everything else. I was unsettled by the teaser screenshots due to how real it all seemed to be during its heyday. (I did re-capture part of that feeling with M Mod and its great yet faithful modernisation effects. Plus there's some blursed mods you can combine with it such as replacing Alyx with Krystal, voiced by the original actress.)
Duke Nukem 3D: Alien Armageddon. It blew me away how much custom content and passion has been invested, so good that it almost felt like I was playing Duke Nukem for the first time all over again.
There's many more worth mentioning such as Unreal, Morrowind, Oblivion, Company of Heroes 1 and the forgotten gem that is Ground Control.
Man, I was born just at the right time to experience a stunning variety of titles and enjoy the mods that improve them.
Roller Coaster Tycoon, 2 preferably. Like, if OpenRCT2 could magically time travel back and exist on 12 year old me's computer, it would be bliss.
There's a couple I'd have to choose from on this:
Portal 1 and 2 (if it can only be one game and not the series then portal 2),
Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or Breath of the wild maybe,
Fallout: New Vegas,
Donut County,
... This may have been more a list of my favorite games rather than play for the first time again...
The Secret of the Monkey Island
The first Mass Effect. That moment when Sovereign speaks... instant goosebumps. ("Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.") This also presupposes that I haven't played the other parts as well of course. I actually played the second one before the first one back in the day.
Oh man.... I would love to experience Zork again for the first time. 😊
"West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here."
Easily Metal Gear Solid 3 for me.
I actually bought LTTP before I bought a SNES.. The game itself wasn't easy to get in my area and I happened to be out of town and ran across a copy, so it was an easy decision
I know it's not really retro yet, but either Nier game. True perfection those two.
Halo reach. Such a masterpiece.
Ultima Online. It was my first MMO. I could own a friggin house that other people could visit! I've been chasing that high for 20+ years now.
Secret of Monkey Island. Like most adventure games you can only really play it once. It'd be nice to enjoy it again.
Definitely Dragon Age Origins. Loved it all, from the weird combat mechanic to the relationship scores. I only wish Varric had been available to romance.
Inscryption. One of my favorite games to come out in years, but the secondary playthroughs don't have anywhere near the appeal without the mystery/intrigue sadly. The first time for me was magical though.
A link to the past is my top Zelda game for sure.
... Have you ever tried the randomizer for it? It will give you a rom where all the items are randomly distributed around the map, making you do the whole sequence out of order.
I will play though a random Rom one a year or so and it's a blast.
Stardew Valley or Terraria.
Wing Commander 3 and Black & White.
Played both of them when i was a kid and it'll be nice to be able to play them again as an adult.
Half Life or Command & Conquer for me
Chrono Trigger. Hands down the greatest JRPG I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
Maybe Stardew Valley? I found that very enjoyable.
Learning Team Fortress 2 for the first time as a teenager was such a crazy fun experience.
The return of the Obra Dinn. Really fun unique game
I feel its been so long since i last played it might feel new to me, but still it wont be the same as first playthrough.