About Sammelbecken für deutsche Kartoffeln und ihre Nachrichten, Geschichten, Diskussionen über Deutschland.
Nicht zu verwechseln mit ! , das für gesamten Europäischen deutschsprachigen Raum zuständig ist.
Schreibt hier Beiträge, die ganz Deutschland betreffen, nicht nur einen kleinen Teil. Wir haben andere Communities für Bundesländer und Lokalnachrichten:
Städte / Landkreise
-!rlp (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Regeln Seid nett zueinander. Sinnlose Provokationen ohne Inhalt werden gelöscht und User gebannt
Zusätzlich: alle Regeln, die ihr auf in der Sidebar lesen könnt.
Very nice, if I have to set up a knowledge base I'll try Docs first
The official art includes the Dutch:
Oh cool I missed that. Danke!
Brothers in Carbs 🇩🇪🤝🇫🇷
These FOSS cloud projects are essential for the EU's digital future and sovereignty. Not that proprietary US software should have ever been trusted, but now it definitely should all be considered as a security risk.
I really hope Germany's new government doesn't sabotage these projects.
Their military does use Matrix & govt offices are starting to use LibreOffice
Wait, this is government-backed open source software? Awesome!!
Heres the code for anyone interested
No public instance so far
Does that mean it's not available to the public? I see it's still in beta.
It seems to be mainly meant as government software. So you have to host it yourself, if you want to use it.
I already recommended CryptPad ( in another thread at some point. The online office world has a lot of fantastic alternatives to Google/Microsoft nowadays.
This software seems like a great replacement for Notion and other note-taking software. Has anyone tried it (productively) already?