I’d say while it’s a fine sentiment, Turkey isn’t really the best choice as far as being a hybrid regime ruled by the same guy for decades. Good food though.
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I see Turkish products are a LOT cheaper than the American stuff.
What is it called when you're actually proud of seeing your country exposed as the tyrannical monster you've always known it to be, are happy to see other nations no longer kissing its ass, and desire nothing more than for the rulers of the nation to fall and suffer as you have?
It's this weird Reverse Patriotism I'm filled with
It's called being an anti imperialist that lives in the imperial core. Next start listening to some Michael Parenti. Sadly it's taken the US directing it's imperialism at western countries to wake up to it. But better late than never.
Google says this isn't a word
The funny thing about german is you can make new compound words to describe something. It could be a bit nonsensical without context but it should translate roughly to "homeland-retribution-pride".
dunno, but I've been an anarchist for a while, and I feel it every time I see someone stand up to these assholes I paid taxes to, that one time I made enough money to pay taxes.
solidarity with the free, or at least hoping-to-be-less-constrained, peoples of the world, certainly. we need something shorter.
i also find an odd kind of half solidarity with my ancestors who fought in the second world war, against what america is trying to be, and sort of always was, but were very much flag waving 'rarara america' patriots the rest of their lives at the same time.
point being that the non-shitty people from this awful shit hole country aren't going to begrudge anyone ditching the awful garbage that gets made here. 'made in america' mostly means prison slaves anyway. edit:the people who make the decisions and own the stuff here have no common interest with the common people. we are all bludgeoned or manipulated into not putting up a fight. which isn't to say there aren't enough insane fanatics and bloated military budget to be a serious threat to the free world, but, like, please fuck our shit up. it's not like any of us ever see any benefit from it anyway.
maybe it's.. hope?
like, the assholes in charge have never represented us or our interests. they own everything around us. I will never own a home. I know maybe one person in this shit hole country who's got even a remote shot at that, who didn't inherit the noble title of 'property owner'. none of the supposed prosperity of this place reaches me. I know so many people who have died of preventable illness, and the hoops I had to jump through to get antibiotics for a major injury last year would have killed someone less stubborn. I doubt much of the imperial pillage and fruit of all this internal productivity reaches you. even the old public works projects are a thing that has largely passed from living memory. ancient monuments to a bygone society that I can barely comprehend from old books. We voted for some new ones here in california, twenty years ago, then again and again to increase funding for them, and have yet to see them materialize-because of interference, deliberate interference to keep us from having nice things, by the fuckers who profit off the fact we need to eat food and sleep indoors but have never held a hammer or driven a tractor, by the fuckers who declare war having never been ordered into peril themselves, by the fuckers who work us to the bone until we die, and tell us it's what we deserve. maybe people in a better position to stand up to these bastards and do some damage to the things they care about actually doing it is what hope feels like.
maybe it will help more of us stand up ourselves. that would be cool.
I would have replaced it with a Mexican food aisle
Mexican on the bottom half of shelves, Canadian on the top half of shelves.
fuck that's such a good idea. mexican food is so much better, and better for you.
Pretty ironic, considering that Turkey under Erdogan is just as close to dictatorship as the US under Trump...
There is a huge Turkish population in Germany, that seems to be the most probable reason.
Turkiye also has a large military industry looking to sell to the EU, a large military, and wants control over the black sea (which involves weakening Russia), and wants to be as friendly to the EU as possible to eventually get that coveted EU membership.
Yeah, an opportunistic authoritarian, but a useful one in this dire emergency.
but they're not as loudly shitty to europeans about it.
good, probably much tastier too
maybe even healthier.
~~maybe even~~ certainly healthier.
Fixed that for you. Anything is healthier than American "food". Even British foods, possibly.
more variety too, americans have very bland taste buds.
Wait until they hear about Erdogan.
Virtually no one here likes Erdogan whatsoever, but our interests in relation to Ukraine and weakening USA/Russia aligns in this particular case. Turkey is a large country that actually borders the EU and has the largest non-European diaspora living here; keeping somwhat cood relations makes sense, even if I'd never want to see them join the Union and know we can never fully trust them.
As we lost our biggest ally, trading with another large country with a significant military makes perfect sense. Besides, Turkish food is actually great, especially compared to murican trash
The Turks did more for Germany than any US-American so good choice
Unironicly i have to agree
Good upgrade honestly
Turkiye makes better quality food at a lower price.
Krasnov Trump American isle was removed.
What food from the USA would anyone in Europe actually want? Genuine question.
We have Domino cookies from Finland that are better anyways
One pseudo democracy or the other... Doesn't matter...
I mean, Germany doesn't even have English on their labels. Everything except English 💀