Im glad a lot of movies are reverting back to practical effects over CGI
Movies like Jurrasic Park, The Thing, Terminator, Predator are timeless because they used practical where they knew CGI wouldn't hold up
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Im glad a lot of movies are reverting back to practical effects over CGI
Movies like Jurrasic Park, The Thing, Terminator, Predator are timeless because they used practical where they knew CGI wouldn't hold up
There's a good short YouTube series called "No CGI" is really just INVISIBLE CGI that is worth a watch.
It's a current fad to denounce CGI and praise a return to practical effects, when in reality CGI is really just better than ever.
Yes I second these videos, it's just the latest marketing gimmick.
And for the same production value and some brightly colored spandex, so can you!
Never underestimate how many ways you can dress up a rock quarry. Just ask the members of SG-1
80 CGI artists? That’s optimistic!
One of the yellows looks like he's about to take a shit right there
I recently watched The Creator and I'm so glad they kept the CGI to a minimum