I’ve really enjoyed how close this show has stuck to the books.
Silo TV & Book Series
This is is a sister community of r/SiloSeries for news and discussion of the post-apocalyptic tv series Silo, on Apple TV+ as well as the WOOL series of books written by Hugh Howey that the show is based on.
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So have I. I started reading the 1st book because of this season and I'm moving onto the 2nd book soon. I'm really enjoying it
I loved the first season so much that I’ve watched it twice.
But I thought the entire second season was poorly edited. Back and forth and back and forth between storylines.
The last episode was pretty good though until the coda — which was unnecessary and cheesy. I hope they never flash back to the current day ever again. You want the viewer to fill in some blanks with their imagination instead of having it spelled out for them.
I get that, the 2nd half of the 1st book is the plot for season 2, to a degree. There is a lot is switching between characters points in there, which does make you wanna read faster to get back to the point. But in the show it can make the thing feel a bit slow.
The 2nd book in the series is supposed to show pre-silo times, like 350 years pre season 1 - which was the jarrging switch at the end. I also wasnt the biggest fan of that bit, until the Pez dispenser came out. But I think season 3 will have more of those flashes. Interesting to see how thatll hold viewers
Thank you! I thought the same. The back and forth was really tiresome. I just wanted to stay with the characters a bit longer each time.
While season 2 was sometimes slow, I still enjoyed it.
I like how the changed so much from the book , and yet somehow it ends up being the same. ( that is, ending with Juliette and Bernard in the airlock). Not showing the resolution to the cliffhanger is mean though 😅
Last scene was a surprise, expected this to start on season 3.
Yeah it was different, it kept both of them fresh tho, they were different enough in my eyes to add to each other. Some part of me thinks if they weren't renewed for season 3&4 theyd have included that resolution
I was pretty pissed after the first season. Hear me out. The mystery was so enthralling and capitivsting, but at the end of the season, I didn't know what it was trying to say about society.
I think this season has done a lot to redeem that and I'm totally strapped in. Mechanical's plan was just baller. And watching Juliette come over the gnoll was triumphant. I'm a little sad about Dr. Nichols especially with Juliette mentioning him just before leaving the other silo.
I still have a lot of cognitive dissonance about the larger questions and I hope they deliver and I'm not left with another Battlestar Galactica ending. Fingers crossed.
Is she dead?
She's wearing a repurposed firefighter suit. Now Bernard is the real question. Did she shield him, or is he toast?
Came here to say the same thing. In the books, if a cleaner stayed in the room (in the suit Bernard was in) they'd be toast. With Camile in the picture now, I think juilelte will live probably injured and bernard will be gone
Please don't talk about the books in this community for the show. I didn't even read your comment past the first few words. So maybe you're not spoiling anything, but I feel like there's a high chance you are since you're replying to someone talking about the unknown. I wouldn't even want to read the tiniest spoiler. At least put book stuff in spoiler tags.
And she have plot armor.
[Note: I have not read the books... no spoilers from the books please!]
I was pleased with the season and the finale. I know some people complained about the pacing but I don't mind a slower paced show.
I have to assume Bernard will survive because his character is so damn good. I'd have to lose him, but I also wonder what his role will be moving forward.
Now, the scene at the very end which shows the before times... I assume the congressman and the woman eventually get together and are part of the pilot program for the silos. The whole "do they still call it a date" thing? I think at that point in time people are trying to find matches/mates so they can apply to the Silo program.
Supposedly they are already filming seasons 3 and 4 so I'm looking forward to answers eventually. (I would consider the books - are there audiobooks? - once I finish the series.)