Can confirm, first person games give me motion sickness. Never had a problem with HRT.
Thomas the Plank Engine
Did you see a meme in your dream? Post about it here!
based off of r/thomastheplankengine on Reddit
I'm so sorry
Wait until they see Half-Life: Alyx
People keep saying you just need to get your "VR legs" and the nausea will go away. Alyx wasn't too bad compared to other VR games where the nausea hits me within 15 min of play.
Try flying around in Google earth VR
It messes you up
And it's even worse in EarthQuest VR which is a quest standalone Google earth in VR
It's even worser in there and will fuck you up if you don't stop moving once the nausea starts
"Woke" up. Well done.
Rise and shine, Doctor Freeman. Woke up and smell the pronouns.
Barnacles are scary.
This is my contribution.
Idk, as a Transfem I love Half-Life 2 :3
Clearly so dangerous it bricked on my pc