This was a fun one! I'm quite pleased with moveInto
, which could be easily extended to support arbitrary box shapes.
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
type C = (Int, Int)
readInput :: String -> (Map C Char, [C])
readInput s =
let (room, _ : moves) = break null $ lines s
in ( Map.fromList [((i, j), c) | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] room, (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l],
map dir $ concat moves
dir '^' = (-1, 0)
dir 'v' = (1, 0)
dir '<' = (0, -1)
dir '>' = (0, 1)
moveInto :: Int -> Set C -> C -> C -> Set C -> Maybe (Set C)
moveInto boxWidth walls (di, dj) = go
go (i, j) boxes
| (i, j) `Set.member` walls = Nothing
| Just j' <- find (\j' -> (i, j') `Set.member` boxes) $ map (j -) [0 .. boxWidth - 1] =
Set.insert (i + di, j' + dj)
<$> foldM
(flip go)
(Set.delete (i, j') boxes)
[(i + di, j' + z + dj) | z <- [0 .. boxWidth - 1]]
| otherwise = Just boxes
runMoves :: (Map C Char, [C]) -> Int -> Int
runMoves (room, moves) scale = score $ snd $ foldl' move (start, boxes) moves
room' = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (second (* scale)) room
Just start = fst <$> find ((== '@') . snd) (Map.assocs room')
walls =
let ps = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== '#') room'
in Set.unions [Set.mapMonotonic (second (+ z)) ps | z <- [0 .. scale - 1]]
boxes = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== 'O') room'
move (pos@(i, j), boxes) dir@(di, dj) =
let pos' = (i + di, j + dj)
in maybe (pos, boxes) (pos',) $ moveInto scale walls dir pos' boxes
score = sum . map (\(i, j) -> i * 100 + j) . Set.elems
main = do
input <- readInput <$> readFile "input15"
mapM_ (print . runMoves input) [1, 2]